大家好,新學生。 請問怎麼升級Redhat9.0 kernel 2.4.X-->2.6.18 的詳細過程(轉)
大家好,新學生。 請問怎麼升級Redhat9.0 kernel 2.4.X-->2.6.18 的詳細過程(轉)[@more@]it's required by university course that we have to program using Linux platform. So I have to install one in my laptop Compaq B3811. the version i have is Redhat 9.0 (shrike).
I'd like to update the kernel from 2.4.x-->2.6.18. but i can't find any useful information related to it.
please help, thanks.
I'd like to update the kernel from 2.4.x-->2.6.18. but i can't find any useful information related to it.
please help, thanks.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10617542/viewspace-959811/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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