Some wonder why Red Hat doesn't spend more time defending ourselves. Refuting their "facts" with our "facts." Fighting to see who can buzz loudest.
Truth is, we're busy with other stuff. We're reading the latest articles, and writing the newest case studies and whitepapers. We're thinking about intellectual property and leadership. We're getting involved in public policy and education. We're making movies and encouraging others to join us in making a difference. We let our people do the talking.
The open source software model continues to make better software faster, just as it has for years. With our help, new people figure this out every day. We don't have to sell it, we just have to show it off and let technology speak for itself.
No corporate-speak analysis. No boastful predictions. Just another day at Red Hat.
Real Stream
Ogg Theora
Real Stream
Ogg Theora
Real Stream
Ogg Theora
Some wonder why Red Hat doesn't spend more time defending ourselves. Refuting their "facts" with our "facts." Fighting to see who can buzz loudest.
Truth is, we're busy with other stuff. We're reading the latest articles, and writing the newest case studies and whitepapers. We're thinking about intellectual property and leadership. We're getting involved in public policy and education. We're making movies and encouraging others to join us in making a difference. We let our people do the talking.
The open source software model continues to make better software faster, just as it has for years. With our help, new people figure this out every day. We don't have to sell it, we just have to show it off and let technology speak for itself.
No corporate-speak analysis. No boastful predictions. Just another day at Red Hat.
Real Stream
Ogg Theora
Real Stream
Ogg Theora
Real Stream
Ogg Theora
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