vsftpd-1.1.3配製例項之二:INTERNET_SITE_NOINETD(轉)[@more@] This example shows how to run vsftpd in "standalone" mode - i.e. without needing to run an inetd of some kind (inetd, xinetd, tcpserver etc). vsftpd has supported standalone mode since v1.1.0. With the release of v1.1.3, the feature list of standalone mode has grown so that large internet sites no longer need to use an inetd. Previously, large internet sites were forced to use xinetd for the important feature of "limit number of concurrent connections from a single IP address". Unfortunately, there seem to be xinetd stability issues - various larger sites are reporting that xinetd's session counting can go wrong and incorrectly kick off users because it thinks the FTP site is full when it is not. vsftpd now natively handles maximum session counts and maximum session per IP counts. It can also do native access control via tcp_wrappers integration and even per-connect-IP configurability. To use this example config: 1) Copy the vsftpd.conf file in this directory to /etc/vsftpd.conf. 2) Start up vsftpd, e.g. vsftpd & 3) That should be it! The example vsftpd.conf is based on the vsftpd.conf from the INTERNET_SITE example. Let's look at the differences (at the top): # Standalone mode listen=YES This tells vsftpd to run in standalone mode. Do NOT try and run vsftpd from an inetd with this option set - it won't work, you may well get 500 OOPS: could not bind listening socket. max_clients=200 max_per_ip=4 The maximum number of session is 200 (new clients will get refused with a busy message). The maximum number of sessions from a single IP is 4 (the 5th connect will get refused with a suitable message). One further note on standalone mode, regarding virtual IPs. This is very easy - just run one copy of vsftpd per virtual IP (remembering to give each a separate config file on the command line). Distinguish which vsftpd is for which virtual IP with a setting like this in the vsftpd.conf: listen_address= And launch vsftpd with a specific config file like this: vsftpd /etc/vsftpd.conf.site1 & vsftpd.conf # Standalone mode listen=YES max_clients=200 max_per_ip=4 # Access rights anonymous_enable=YES local_enable=NO write_enable=NO anon_upload_enable=NO anon_mkdir_write_enable=NO anon_other_write_enable=NO # Security anon_world_readable_only=YES connect_from_port_20=YES hide_ids=YES pasv_min_port=50000 pasv_max_port=60000 # Features xferlog_enable=YES ls_recurse_enable=NO ascii_download_enable=NO async_abor_enable=YES # Performance one_process_model=YES idle_session_timeout=120 data_connection_timeout=300 accept_timeout=60 connect_timeout=60 anon_max_rate=50000
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/8225414/viewspace-957032/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- vsftpd-1.1.3配製例項之四:VIRTUAL_HOSTS(轉)FTP
- vsftpd-1.1.3配製例項之五:VIRTUAL_USERS(轉)FTP
- vsftpd-1.1.3配製例項之一:INTERNET_SITE(轉)FTP
- vsftpd-1.1.3配製例項之三:PER_IP_CONFIG(轉)FTP
- vsftpd-1.1.3配製檔案vsftpd.conf(轉)FTP
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