Oracle 12C RAC的單機Standby returning error ORA-16191
寒風凌厲大雪節氣的週末凍得出不了門,坐在家中喝熱茶,突然接到朋友從公司打來的電話:為Oracle 12C RAC主庫安裝好的單機standby DB日誌無法和主庫同步報錯ORA-16191
DB版本:Oracle RAC+ single DB (PS:這版本其實不穩定啦)
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
returning error ORA-16191
FAL[client, USER]: Error 16191 connecting to CMMDB for fetching gap sequence
Sun Dec 09 11:42:34 2018
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cmmdbs/CMMDB/trace/CMMDB_pr00_18146.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Sun Dec 09 11:42:44 2018
FAL[client]: Failed to request gap sequence
GAP - thread 2 sequence 788218-788218
DBID 3690862883 branch 928463524
FAL[client]: All defined FAL servers have been attempted.
1. 檢查remote_login_passwordfile主備庫中均設定為EXCLUSIVE,說明與此無關
2. 檢查sys賬號沒有被lock,說明與此無關
3. 檢查密碼檔案,朋友說:standby中是使用orapwd命令建立。這裡問題就來了 ,12C聯機文件及 文件 ID 1984091.1 中明確指出密碼檔案需求從主庫RAC中pwcopy到備庫。注,12.1以後版本中密碼檔案是所有節點共享的存放在ASM中
If the SSL authentication requirements are not met, then each database must use a remote login password file. In an Oracle Data Guard configuration, all physical and snapshot standby databases must use a copy of the password file from the primary database, and that copy must be refreshed whenever an administrative privilege (
, and so on) is granted or revoked, and after the password of any user with administrative privileges is changed.
If you have stored the password file in an Oracle ASM disk group at the standby database, then you must copy the updated password file from the primary database to the Oracle ASM location at the standby database. See
for information about the ASMCMD
command used to copy an Oracle ASM or database instance password file to a specified location. See
for information about using the
utility to modify a database configuration.
ASMCMD> pwget --dbuniquename CMMDB
+DATA/CMMDB/PASSWORD pwdcmmdb.276.928463387
ASMCMD> pwcopy --dbuniquename CMMDB +DATA/CMMDB/PASSWORD/pwdcmmdb.276.928463387 /tmp/orapcmmdb
copying +DATA/CMMDB/PASSWORD/pwdcmmdb.276.928463387 -> /tmp/orapcmmdb
ASMCMD-9456: password file should be located on an ASM disk group
3> 從主庫 本地OS scp到備庫
附: 文件 ID 1984091.1
12c: Data Guard Physical Standby - Managing password files in a RAC Physical Standby (文件 ID 1984091.1) |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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