create index logging, nologging performance test


create index logging, nologging performance test.

For Speed up when creating an index for a large table. we can use nologging clause .

test result:

1, nologging is effective in archivelog database mode. Although, in noarchivelog database mode, by default ,create index will not produce much log , by other words, it's the same speed in noarchivelog mode whether nologging clause is supplied.

2, use nologging clause , performance would improve 40% more or less accord actual environment.

3, parallel is only effective if you have multiple spindles.


some notes:

insert /*+ append */ wil degrade (at least 2 times) when index exists, so the better way maybe is drop index first, then load data, the create index at last.


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
