ORA-28348, encryption column TDE, function index


------------scenario 1

SQL> alter table emp2 modify (sal encrypt no salt) ;

alter table emp2 modify (sal encrypt no salt)

ORA-28348: index defined on the specified column cannot be encrypted

---- solution :

1,check function-based index on the encrypted column , if needed , drop the function index.

------------scenario 2

SQL> create index idx_emp2_sal2 on emp2(sal desc) ;

create index idx_emp2_sal2 on emp2(sal desc)

ORA-28337: the specified index may not be defined on an encrypted column

--- explanation:

index on column desc is implement as a function index. Oralce TDE does not support create function index on encrypted column.

-- solution:

if needed, remove "desc" keyword. Or think and redesign the data structure.

------------scenario 3

SQL> alter table emp2 modify (sal encrypt ) ;

alter table emp2 modify (sal encrypt )

ORA-28338: Column(s) cannot be both indexed and encrypted with salt
-- resolution :

Salt will result random additional data into the key .which will result in degrade of index performance.


alter table t1 rekey USING 'aes192' 'nomac' ;


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/350519/viewspace-1042519/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
