AIX mkramdisk


1 To create a new ram disk using a default 512-byte block size, and the size is 500 MBs (1048576 * 512), enter:

mkramdisk 1048576

The /dev/rramdisk0 ramdisk is created.
2 To create a new ramdisk with a size of 500 Megabytes, enter:

mkramdisk 500M

The /dev/rramdisk0 ramdisk is created. Note that the ramdisk has the same size as example 1 above.
3 To create a new ram disk with a 2-Gigabyte size, enter:

mkramdisk 2G
4 To set up a RAM disk that is approximately 20 MB in size and create a JFS file system on that RAM disk, enter the
following commands:

mkramdisk 40000
ls -l /dev | grep ram
mkfs -V jfs /dev/ramdiskx
mkdir /ramdisk0
mount -V jfs -o nointegrity /dev/ramdiskx /ramdiskx
x is the logical RAM disk number.

To set up a RAM disk that is approximately 20 MB in size and create a JFS2 file system on that RAM disk, enter the
following commands:

mkramdisk 40000
ls -l /dev | grep ram
/sbin/helpers/jfs2/mkfs -V jfs2 /dev/ramdiskx
mkdir /ramdiskx
mount -V jfs2 -o log=NULL /dev/ramdiskx /ramdiskx

is the logical RAM disk number. Note: For both JFS and JFS2, for using a file system on a RAM disk, the RAM disk must
be pinned.

Contains the mkramdisk command.


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