SQLT 最佳化SQL 用複合索引代替單列索引的案例

SQLT不但能收集SQL最佳化資訊,還能呼叫 SQL Tuning Advisor (STA)給出最佳化建議。

下面是一個 SQLT 診斷SQL後,推薦用一個複合索引來代替單列索引的案例。

首先,建立測試表tab_test ,並且在 object_type 列上建立一個單列索引。接著收集該表的統計資訊。


  1. scott@ORCL>create table tab_test as select * from dba_objects;

  2. Table created.

  3. scott@ORCL>create index ind_test_type on tab_test(object_type);

  4. Index created.

  5. scott@ORCL>analyze table tab_test compute statistics;

  6. Table analyzed.

  7. scott@ORCL>analyze table tab_test compute statistics for all indexed columns;

  8. Table analyzed.


  1. select /* index_replace */ count(*) from tab_test where owner = \'SYSTEM\' and object_type = \'SYNONYM\';

scott@ORCL>select /* index_replace */ count(*) from tab_test where owner = 'SYSTEM' and object_type = 'SYNONYM';
我們簡單分析一下。這裡有兩個過濾條件。 owner = 'SYSTEM'  和 object_type = 'SYNONYM'。 兩個條件分別過濾的行數和合在一起過濾的行數對比。


  1. scott@ORCL>select count(*) from tab_test where owner = \'SYSTEM\';                                                    -- 用 owner = 'SYSTEM' 過濾,有 570行

  2.   COUNT(*)
  3. ----------
  4.        570

  5. scott@ORCL>select count(*) from tab_test where object_type = \'SYNONYM\';                                             -- 用 object_type = 'SYNONYM' 過濾,有28394行

  6.   COUNT(*)
  7. ----------
  8.      28394

  9. scott@ORCL>select /* index_replace */ count(*) from tab_test where owner = \'SYSTEM\' and object_type = \'SYNONYM\';  -- 兩個條件一起過濾,只剩下 8行

  10.   COUNT(*)
  11. ----------
  12.          8
從上面的資料過濾對比來看,建立一個owner和object_type 複合索引,可以更大限度的塞選資料。而且就這SQL來說,owner = 'SYSTEM' 比 object_type = 'SYNONYM' 選擇性更好,所以所首選項應該選owner列。(這裡的選擇性更好,是指的 用owner = 'SYSTEM' 就剩下 570行 比  object_type = 'SYNONYM' 濾出來的28394行 記錄數更少。


先找到待最佳化 SQL的 sqlid


  1. sys@ORCL>var sql_id varchar2(50)
  2. sys@ORCL>begin
  3.   2 select sql_id into :sql_id from v$sql where sql_text like \'select /* index_replace */ count(*) %\' and rownum = 1;
  4.   3 end;
  5.   4 /

  6. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  7. sys@ORCL>print :sql_id;

  8. SQL_ID
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. 6dnqjw2dgvnms

  11. sys@ORCL>select sql_text from v$sql where sql_id = \'6dnqjw2dgvnms\';

  12. SQL_TEXT
  13. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. select /* index_replace */ count(*) from tab_test where owner = \'SYSTEM\' and object_type = \'SYNONYM\'

呼叫SQLT的sqltxtract 方法 在 sqlt/run/sqltxtract.sql

6dnqjw2dgvnms 是要最佳化sql的 sqlid


  1. sys@ORCL>@/home/oracle/sqlt/run/sqltxtract.sql 6dnqjw2dgvnms oracle                    

 操作成功後,得到 SQLT 報告的 zip包  sqlt_s89762_xtract_6dnqjw2dgvnms.zip 在登入sqlplus時,當前的系統目錄下。

點STA Report


  1. FINDINGS SECTION (2 findings)
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  3. 1- SQL Profile Finding (see explain plans section below)
  4. --------------------------------------------------------
  5.   A potentially better execution plan was found for this statement.

  6.   Recommendation (estimated benefit: 13.8%)
  7.   -----------------------------------------
  8.   - Consider accepting the recommended SQL profile.
  9.     execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name => \'sqlt_s89762_mem\',
  10.             task_owner => \'SYS\', replace => TRUE);

  11.   Validation results
  12.   ------------------
  13.   The SQL profile was tested by executing both its plan and the original plan
  14.   and measuring their respective execution statistics. A plan may have been
  15.   only partially executed if the other could be run to completion in less time.

  16.                            Original Plan With SQL Profile % Improved
  17.                            ------------- ---------------- ----------
  18.   Completion Status: COMPLETE COMPLETE
  19.   Elapsed Time (s): .006684 .005851 12.46 %
  20.   CPU Time (s): .006698 .005899 11.92 %
  21.   User I/O Time (s): 0 0
  22.   Buffer Gets: 1094 943 13.8 %
  23.   Physical Read Requests: 0 0
  24.   Physical Write Requests: 0 0
  25.   Physical Read Bytes: 0 0
  26.   Physical Write Bytes: 0 0
  27.   Rows Processed: 1 1
  28.   Fetches: 1 1
  29.   Executions: 1 1

  30.   Notes
  31.   -----
  32.   1. Statistics for the original plan were averaged over 10 executions.
  33.   2. Statistics for the SQL profile plan were averaged over 10 executions.

  34. 2- Index Finding (see explain plans section below)
  35. --------------------------------------------------
  36.   The execution plan of this statement can be improved by creating one or more
  37.   indices.

  38.   Recommendation (estimated benefit: 98.75%)
  39.   ------------------------------------------
  40.   - Consider running the Access Advisor to improve the physical schema design
  41.     or creating the recommended index. If you choose to create the
  42.     recommended index, consider dropping the index \"SCOTT\".\"IND_TEST_TYPE\"
  43.     because it is a prefix of the recommended index.
  44.     create index SCOTT.IDX$$_02820001 on SCOTT.TAB_TEST(\"OBJECT_TYPE\",\"OWNER\");

  45.   Rationale
  46.   ---------
  47.     Creating the recommended indices significantly improves the execution plan
  48.     of this statement. However, it might be preferable to run \"Access Advisor\"
  49.     using a representative SQL workload as opposed to a single statement. This
  50.     will allow to get comprehensive index recommendations which takes into
  51.     account index maintenance overhead and additional space consumption.

STA給了兩個建議: 1, 建立 sql profile
                                 execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name => \'sqlt_s89762_mem\', task_owner => \'SYS\', replace => TRUE);

                           2,  建立複合索引,並且刪除單列索引
                                 create index SCOTT.IDX$$_02820001 on SCOTT.TAB_TEST(\"OBJECT_TYPE\",\"OWNER\");
                                   consider dropping the index \"SCOTT\".\"IND_TEST_TYPE\"

調整過後的, 執行計劃對比


  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost |
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 28 | 80 |
  5. | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 28 | |
  6. |* 2 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TAB_TEST | 1 | 28 | 80 |
  7. |* 3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IND_TEST_TYPE | 1700 | | 5 |
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  9. 使用複合索引

  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost |
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 28 | 1 |
  14. | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 28 | |
  15. |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN| IDX$$_02820001 | 1 | 28 | 1 |

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