ORA-00600: 內部錯誤程式碼, 引數: [qosdDirRead: dircnt mismatch], [809], [808],
上午一套RAC例項頻繁報警ORA-00600: 內部錯誤程式碼, 引數: [qosdDirRead: dircnt mismatch], [809], [808]。經過MOS查詢只發現在12.1中存在bug,但在12.2中已經被修復了。
伺服器OS版本:redhat 7.3
SQL> col dir_own# for 9999999999999999 SQL> with aa as (select count(*) aa_cnt,dir_own# from opt_directive$ group by dir_own#) select * from aa,opt_directive_own$ bb where aa.dir_own#(+)=bb.dir_own# and dir_cnt<>aa.aa_cnt; AA_CNT DIR_OWN# DIR_OWN# DIR_CNT ---------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- 809 ################# ################# 808 SQL> col dir_own# for 99999999999999999999 SQL> / AA_CNT DIR_OWN# DIR_OWN# DIR_CNT ---------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------- 809 11352894694518622562 11352894694518622562 808 SQL> update opt_directive_own$ a set dir_cnt=(select count(*) from opt_directive$ b where a.dir_own#=b.dir_own#) where dir_own#=11352894694518622562; 2 1 row updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> with aa as (select count(*) aa_cnt,dir_own# from opt_directive$ group by dir_own#) select * from aa,opt_directive_own$ bb where aa.dir_own#(+)=bb.dir_own# and dir_cnt<>aa.aa_cnt; 2 3 4 no rows selected SQL> SQL> with aa as (select count(*) aa_cnt,dir_own# from opt_directive$ group by dir_own#) select * from aa,opt_directive_own$ bb where aa.dir_own#(+)=bb.dir_own# and aa.dir_own#=11352894694518622562; 2 3 4 AA_CNT DIR_OWN# DIR_OWN# DIR_CNT ---------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------- 809 11352894694518622562 11352894694518622562 809
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/28572479/viewspace-2683635/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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