




There is a flower that is a pink four-leaf clover, whose petals are transparent, deep as the sea, crystal as dew, and it can feel the loyalty and purity of love,8K,FHD --ar 9:16 --q 2 --chaos 30 --video --uplight


one glowing crystalized in the dark rose forest with a rose path that has glowing ovules and lava crystallized ginger by Blizzard style ArtStation trending,Glowing black roses, magical light fog, night time, low light, volumetric lighting, ue4, zbrush, marmoset toolbag--hd --ar 9:16 --uplight


A beautiful picture depicting a fairy tale world about green, strawberry hut, white smoke and wonderland. Lighting effects, white clouds around the house, Hayao Miyazaki's anime style, fashion sense, rural style, very detailed, beautiful flower arrangement style, 4k detail post-processing, HD --ar 9:16 --uplight


A magnificent crystal palace is above the clouds. The palace covered with pink flowers is surrounded by clouds and running water. Pink flowers, Atlantis, fairy tales, dreams, clouds and mist, animation style, Miyazaki Hayao animation lighting effects, movie details, trends in artstaion, 8K, yevgeny Lu Xiping,HD --ar 9:16 --uplight - Upscaled (Light)

一座宏偉的水晶宮在雲層之上。宮殿裡開滿了粉色的花,四周雲霧繚繞,流水奔騰。粉色花朵,亞特蘭蒂斯,童話,夢,雲和霧,動畫風格,宮崎駿動畫燈光效果,電影細節,藝術潮流,8K,葉夫根尼·魯西平,高畫質--ar 9:16--uplight-由@Mary09(輕鬆)放大(燈光)

fruity jelly prisms, floating on the cotton candy soft clouds, dreamscape, heaven-like, realistic, 8k, UE5,fantasy, utopia --ar 9:16 --q 2 --uplight - Upscaled (Light)


a pink pastel mushroom house on a cloud ,cotton candy clouds ,magic flowers, glowing, beautiful, fairy, fairytale art style, volumetric lighting, highly detailed, unreal engine 3D digital art, in the style of 90s anime, sailor moon,UE4,8k --w 1080 --h 1920 --q 2 --uplight


A ultra-realistic CG rendering of Ancient China,A ultra-realistic CG rendering of Guilin landscape, China,Dream small house on besides of the river,in the evening,peach with milky leaves tree,snow scene,White moonlight, a moon in creating moon, --ar 9:16 --q 2 --chaos 30 --uplight - @Mary09 (relaxed)



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