1、假如你有一張銀行卡號碼為 1111 2222 3333 4444 這樣的卡號,當然這樣的號碼我從沒見過,因為持有改卡的的人應該還沒有出生....
let val ="1111222233334444"
val = val.replace(/\s/g,'').replace(/(.{4})/g,"$1 ")
寫一條一行的4為數字,每隔4個數字空一格 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx就是xxxx這樣的格式
- 報錯xxxx of undefinedUndefined
- 使用者名稱的格式xxxx......@xxxxs
- Linux awk 中 xxxx的應用Linux
- “Host ‘xxxx‘ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server“MySqlServer
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- 使用req.session.xxx時出現 Cannot set property ‘xxxx‘ of undefinedSessionUndefined
- PostgreSQL cache lookup failed for type XXXX 錯誤SQLAI
- [20211020]XXXX_DGB服務名.txt
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- Vue init webpack xxxx project 報錯處理(connect ETIMEDOUT
- NetworkError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load xxxx錯誤解決方法ErrorAIXMLHTTP
- Unknown host ‘XXXX: nodename nor servname provided, or not known‘. You may need to adjust the proxyIDE
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- 開發中遇到的bug-Property or method “xxxx“ is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
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- Unable to negotiate with xx.xxx.xxxx port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa(解決的兩種方式)Go
- 錯誤 CS0006 Metadata file 'E:\專案名稱\xxxx.dll'
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