1. interface_exists、class_exists、method_exists和property_exists:
bool interface_exists (string $interface_name [, bool $autoload = true ]) 判斷介面是否存在,第二個參數列示在查詢時是否執行__autoload。
bool class_exists (string $class_name [, bool $autoload = true ]) 判斷類是否存在,第二個參數列示在查詢時是否執行__autoload。
bool method_exists (mixed $object , string $method_name) 判斷指定類或者物件中是否含有指定的成員函式。
bool property_exists (mixed $class , string $property) 判斷指定類或者物件中是否含有指定的成員變數。
<?php //in another_test_class.php interface AnotherTestInterface { } class AnotherTestClass { public static function printMe() { print "This is Test2::printSelf.\n"; } public function doSomething() { print "This is Test2::doSomething.\n"; } public function doSomethingWithArgs($arg1, $arg2) { print 'This is Test2::doSomethingWithArgs with ($arg1 = '.$arg1.' and $arg2 = '.$arg2.").\n"; } } <?php //in class_exist_test.php, 下面測試程式碼中所需的類和介面位於another_test_class.php, //由此可以發現規律,類和介面的名稱是駝峰風格的,而檔名的單詞間是下劃線分隔的。 //這裡給出了兩種__autoload的方式,因為第一種更為常用和方便,因此我們這裡將第二種方式註釋掉了,他們之間的差別可以檢視manual。 function __autoload($classname) { $nomilizedClassname = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z]\w*)([A-Z]\w*)([A-Z]\w*)/','${1}_${2}_${3}',$classname)); require strtolower($nomilizedClassname).".php"; } //spl_autoload_register(function($classname) { // $nomilizedClassname = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z]\w*)([A-Z]\w*)([A-Z]\w*)/','${1}_${2}_${3}',$classname)); // require strtolower($nomilizedClassname).".php"; //}); print "The following case is tested before executing autoload.\n"; if (!class_exists('AnotherTestClass',false)) { print "This class doesn't exist if no autoload.\n"; } if (!interface_exists('AnotherTestInterface',false)) { print "This interface doesn't exist if no autoload.\n"; } print "\nThe following case is tested after executing autoload.\n"; if (class_exists('AnotherTestClass',true)) { print "This class exists if autoload is set to true.\n"; } if (interface_exists('AnotherTestInterface',true)) { print "This interface exists if autoload is set to true.\n"; }
bogon:TestPhp$ php class_exist_test.php The following case is tested before executing autoload. This class doesn't exist if no autoload. This interface doesn't exist if no autoload. The following case is tested after executing autoload. This class exists if autoload is set to true. This interface exists if autoload is set to true.
2. get_declared_classes和get_declared_interfaces:
<?php interface AnotherTestInterface { } class AnotherTestClass { public static function printMe() { print "This is Test2::printSelf.\n"; } } print_r(get_declared_interfaces()); print_r(get_declared_classes());
3. get_class_methods、get_class_vars和get_object_vars:
array get_class_methods (mixed $class_name) 獲取指定類中可訪問的成員函式。
array get_class_vars (string $class_name) 獲取指定類中可以訪問的成員變數。
array get_object_vars (object $object) 獲取可以訪問的非靜態成員變數。
<?php function output_array($functionName, $items) { print "$functionName.....................\n"; foreach ($items as $key => $value) { print '$key = '.$key. ' => $value = '.$value."\n"; } } class TestClass { public $publicVar = 1; private $privateVar = 2; static private $staticPrivateVar = "hello"; static public $staticPublicVar; private function privateFunction() { } function publicFunction() { output_array("get_class_methods",get_class_methods(__CLASS__)); output_array('get_class_vars',get_class_vars(__CLASS__)); output_array('get_object_vars',get_object_vars($this)); } } $testObj = new TestClass(); print "The following is output within TestClass.\n"; $testObj->publicFunction(); print "\nThe following is output out of TestClass.\n"; output_array('get_class_methods',get_class_methods('TestClass')); output_array('get_class_vars',get_class_vars('TestClass')); output_array('get_object_vars',get_object_vars($testObj));
bogon:TestPhp liulei$ php class_exist_test.php The following is output within TestClass. get_class_methods..................... $key = 0 => $value = privateFunction $key = 1 => $value = publicFunction get_class_vars..................... $key = publicVar => $value = 1 $key = privateVar => $value = 2 $key = staticPrivateVar => $value = hello $key = staticPublicVar => $value = get_object_vars..................... $key = publicVar => $value = 1 $key = privateVar => $value = 2 The following is output out of TestClass. get_class_methods..................... $key = 0 => $value = publicFunction get_class_vars..................... $key = publicVar => $value = 1 $key = staticPublicVar => $value = get_object_vars..................... $key = publicVar => $value = 1
4. get_called_class和get_class:
string get_class ([ object $object = NULL ]) 獲取引數物件的類名稱。
string get_called_class (void) 靜態方法呼叫時當前的類名稱。
<?php class Base { static public function test() { var_dump(get_called_class()); } } class Derive extends Base { } Base::test(); Derive::test(); var_dump(get_class(new Base())); var_dump(get_class(new Derive()));
bogon:TestPhp$ php another_test_class.php string(4) "Base" string(6) "Derive" string(4) "Base" string(6) "Derive"
5. get_parent_class、is_a和is_subclass_of:
string get_parent_class ([ mixed $object ]) 獲取引數物件的父類,如果沒有父類則返回false。
bool is_a (object $object, string $class_name) 判斷第一個引數物件是否是$class_name類本身或是其父類的物件。
bool is_subclass_of (mixed $object, string $class_name) 判斷第一個引數物件是否是$class_name的子類。
<?php class Base { static public function test() { var_dump(get_called_class()); } } class Derive extends Base { } var_dump(get_parent_class(new Derive())); var_dump(is_a(new Derive(),'Derive')); var_dump(is_a(new Derive(),'Base')); var_dump(is_a(new Base(),'Derive')); var_dump(is_subclass_of(new Derive(),'Derive')); var_dump(is_subclass_of(new Derive(),'Base'));
bogon:TestPhp$ php another_test_class.php string(4) "Base" bool(true) bool(true) bool(false) bool(false) bool(true)