Senior JAVA Development Engineer
浙江*****公司 (工作地點:杭州)學歷要求:本科以上 | 工作經驗:3-6年 | 職位型別:全職 | 公司規模:500-999人
More than 3 years experience.
Familiar with technologies as JSP/ Servlet/ JavaBean/JUnit/Javascript/HTML/JSTL/EL(Express language)/XML/CSS, Ajax
is a plus.
Practice one or more web applications using above technologies, including technical design, development, and unit
Master the concept of MVC/Code refactoring/Test-Driven Development.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
java j2ee engineer(1-2年經驗)
1.Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer-related disciplines from accredited university
2.At least one year of web based software development experience with Java technology:
3.At least one year of experience with one RDBMS (SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, etc.)
4.Configuration and deployment experience with at least one J2EE application servers
5 Good understanding of major Object/Data mapping technologies, e.g. EJB, Hibernate
Please supply a detailed resume that includes:
1.Evidence of technical experience and detail of projects you have been involved with
2.Evidence of development tools used in projects you have been involved with
3.Details your role within each project and every project's environment,database etc.
浙江*****公司 (工作地點:杭州)學歷要求:本科以上 | 工作經驗:3-6年 | 職位型別:全職 | 公司規模:500-999人
More than 3 years experience.
Familiar with technologies as JSP/ Servlet/ JavaBean/JUnit/Javascript/HTML/JSTL/EL(Express language)/XML/CSS, Ajax
is a plus.
Practice one or more web applications using above technologies, including technical design, development, and unit
Master the concept of MVC/Code refactoring/Test-Driven Development.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
java j2ee engineer(1-2年經驗)
1.Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer-related disciplines from accredited university
2.At least one year of web based software development experience with Java technology:
3.At least one year of experience with one RDBMS (SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, etc.)
4.Configuration and deployment experience with at least one J2EE application servers
5 Good understanding of major Object/Data mapping technologies, e.g. EJB, Hibernate
Please supply a detailed resume that includes:
1.Evidence of technical experience and detail of projects you have been involved with
2.Evidence of development tools used in projects you have been involved with
3.Details your role within each project and every project's environment,database etc.
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