我把Jdon版jive按照說明安裝起來,用的是mysql5.0,按照說明資料庫建好,資料表也生成了,配置檔案的路徑也該好了。執行進入Jive 論壇安裝工具頁面http://,實施到第三步時資料庫連線不能建立報錯。
Starting ConnectionPool:
dbDriver = org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
dbServer = jdbc:mysql://localhost/Jive
dbLogin = root
log file = D:\workspace\jdonbbs\application\WEB-INF\jiveHome\logs\DefaultConnectionProvider.log
minconnections = 3
maxconnections = 10
Total refresh interval = 0.5 days
--->Attempt (1 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (2 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (3 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (4 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?
Will try again in 10 seconds...
All attempts at connecting to Database exhausted
Starting ConnectionPool:
dbDriver = org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
dbServer = jdbc:mysql://localhost/Jive
dbLogin = root
log file = D:\workspace\jdonbbs\application\WEB-INF\jiveHome\logs\DefaultConnectionProvider.log
minconnections = 3
maxconnections = 10
Total refresh interval = 0.5 days
--->Attempt (1 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (2 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (3 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (4 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?
Will try again in 10 seconds...
All attempts at connecting to Database exhausted
- jive配置中的database問題?!請幫忙阿謝謝!Database
- 請教關於jive原始碼,請各位高手幫忙 ,謝謝!!!原始碼
- benq大哥,幫忙,請進入,謝謝!ENQ
- 關於資料庫的問題。請幫忙看下,在下先謝謝了資料庫
- 請大家幫忙,關於儲存過程分頁的問題...謝謝儲存過程
- 請教問題:jive1.2.4資料庫連線問題,謝謝資料庫
- 請求幫助!謝謝!
- 安裝是遇到錯誤,大家幫我看看,謝謝
- 安裝出錯,請幫忙看看(轉)
- 有關javaAPI,請各位高手幫忙,拜謝JavaAPI
- 哪位兄臺幫我看看JIVE安裝問題, 資料庫連線出錯!加急!!!資料庫
- 謝謝斑竹能否幫個忙!! (改個小程式)
- 關於領域驅動設計與開發過程中的一些疑惑請道友幫忙解惑,謝謝。
- 幫忙看看如何設定,跪謝!
- 安裝jive3.1.5問題,謝謝
- 請幫我看看呼叫webservice的問題謝謝!Web
- 請問各位大俠如何Oralce資料庫上安裝??謝謝!資料庫
- 我下載新的論壇,安裝出現錯誤,誰幫我解決下,謝謝
- 在jbuilder下,jive出錯。各位幫忙呀!UI
- 我在安裝jive的第三步中出錯了。幫幫忙!
- 一個關於mysql方面的問題,希望斑竹和大家能幫忙,謝謝!!MySql
- jboss3安裝有問題多謝幫忙看一下S3
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- 高手幫忙解決兩道JAVA題,跪謝!!Java
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- jms的問題,請高手幫忙解決一下,先謝了
- jbuilder編譯jive出現的錯誤,高手幫忙!!UI編譯
- Jive後臺使用SQLServer的同志請幫忙!SQLServer
- 關於jsp中連線資料庫的問題,在下先說謝謝了JS資料庫
- jive初學者請教安裝問題(線上等!多謝!)
- 在WeLogic下建連線池的錯誤,請幫忙看看!
- 請教tomcat連線sqlserver的問題!!謝謝各位!TomcatSQLServer
- 請高手幫忙!
- 急(啟動資料庫),謝謝資料庫
- 安裝時提示錯誤,請高手幫忙解決一下
- 請問java行集如何理解,哪裡有較詳細的幫助?謝謝Java
- Oracle在UNIX上實施的新書就要面市,還請大家幫忙看看,書名怎麼定合適?謝謝大家!Oracle新書
- 一個jive的安裝問題,整整困了我5天.請大家幫忙解決