EJB實用原理和實戰示例 and more?
I don’t mind to pay for this tutorial since I am working on a study group for people who interested and towards to SCEA.
In the meanwhile I was wondering if anyone could put some efforts on the load balance, clustering, security and performance issues regarding Jboss Mysql,
I was planning to adapt petstore framework to Jboss & Mysql, if anyone had experience on it, please post.
And by the way I not might pay other 50 yuan for that,
In the meanwhile I was wondering if anyone could put some efforts on the load balance, clustering, security and performance issues regarding Jboss Mysql,
I was planning to adapt petstore framework to Jboss & Mysql, if anyone had experience on it, please post.
And by the way I not might pay other 50 yuan for that,
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