Because TIJ (Thinking in Java) 3 has imported many personal packages, so all we have to do is to put these packages in a Jar file and then register it in the classpath . So I did as follows
1)First thing first, download all the source java files ( wuyin.free.fr/tij.rar ) and Compile them using the command : Javac Cd . *.java, then you will find a new directory com with all the packages well ranged .
2)Creat the jar file from the com using the command : Jar cf uitltij.jar com , you will immediately find the uitltij.jar created in your current directory
3)The last thing is to put uitltij.jar in classpath which is known to everyone :)
1)First thing first, download all the source java files ( wuyin.free.fr/tij.rar ) and Compile them using the command : Javac Cd . *.java, then you will find a new directory com with all the packages well ranged .
2)Creat the jar file from the com using the command : Jar cf uitltij.jar com , you will immediately find the uitltij.jar created in your current directory
3)The last thing is to put uitltij.jar in classpath which is known to everyone :)
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