OK, guys, I was fooling around on the TheServerSide.com one day.
And I show this title:
"Confucius - A J2EE Framework for Middle Tier Programming"
Post by Gang Chang.
Wow....I was kind of feeling a litte bit ......weird..
Ok, this Gang Chang guy sure is chinese and learn his history lesson well(ok may be chinese literature lesson too.) and stuff, and for damn sure admire Confucius so very much...
But naming "A J2EE Framework for Middle Tier Programming" Project after Confucius??? Come on....I AM confused.
Can any one in the world tell me who this Gang Chang guys... is.
And I show this title:
"Confucius - A J2EE Framework for Middle Tier Programming"
Post by Gang Chang.
Wow....I was kind of feeling a litte bit ......weird..
Ok, this Gang Chang guy sure is chinese and learn his history lesson well(ok may be chinese literature lesson too.) and stuff, and for damn sure admire Confucius so very much...
But naming "A J2EE Framework for Middle Tier Programming" Project after Confucius??? Come on....I AM confused.
Can any one in the world tell me who this Gang Chang guys... is.
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