<?xml version="1.0"?>
* Specifies the full path to your jiveHome directory.
* This file must be in the classpath of your application
* server. Normally, the easiest way to do this is to
* put it into the [jive]/WEB-INF/classes directory,
* where [jive] is the name of your Jive Forums web
* application.
* For unix this might be:
* <jiveHome>/var/web/jiveHome</jiveHome>
* For Windows this might be:
<jiveHome> </jiveHome>
* Specifies the full path to your jiveHome directory.
* This file must be in the classpath of your application
* server. Normally, the easiest way to do this is to
* put it into the [jive]/WEB-INF/classes directory,
* where [jive] is the name of your Jive Forums web
* application.
* For unix this might be:
* <jiveHome>/var/web/jiveHome</jiveHome>
* For Windows this might be:
<jiveHome> </jiveHome>
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