To propagate the websphere transaction to jboss, you will need to write your own transaction manager
service mbean that provides the websphere transaction manager instead of creating a jboss
transaction manager. You will need to make sure your mbean is installed before you do any jndi
lookups of jboss ejbs. From the client side jboss framework installed when you look up an ejb in jndi,
the TransactionInterceptor and the DTXAResourceInterceptor need to get the transaction manager
from an mbean. For normal clients this mbean is the jboss TransactionManagerService mbean.You
need to make sure there is an mbean server running in websphere, either one that IBM provides or by
using the JBoss one set up by the
org.jboss.system.client.Client class, and install a different
TransactionManagerService mbean that supplies the ibm transaction
manager.Study how remote ejb invocation works. Basically the proxy constructs an Invocation object
which has various context information added to it, and then is sent to the server. There are actually 2
styles of Invocation object: the ejb Invocation gets put into a remoting InvocationRequest object. Your
adapter has to do the same thing. You need to add transaction information and security information.
Look at what the TransactionInterceptor and DTXAResourceInterceptor do, along
with the EjbToRemotingAdapter.
To propagate the websphere transaction to jboss, you will need to write your own transaction manager
service mbean that provides the websphere transaction manager instead of creating a jboss
transaction manager. You will need to make sure your mbean is installed before you do any jndi
lookups of jboss ejbs. From the client side jboss framework installed when you look up an ejb in jndi,
the TransactionInterceptor and the DTXAResourceInterceptor need to get the transaction manager
from an mbean. For normal clients this mbean is the jboss TransactionManagerService mbean.You
need to make sure there is an mbean server running in websphere, either one that IBM provides or by
using the JBoss one set up by the
org.jboss.system.client.Client class, and install a different
TransactionManagerService mbean that supplies the ibm transaction
manager.Study how remote ejb invocation works. Basically the proxy constructs an Invocation object
which has various context information added to it, and then is sent to the server. There are actually 2
styles of Invocation object: the ejb Invocation gets put into a remoting InvocationRequest object. Your
adapter has to do the same thing. You need to add transaction information and security information.
Look at what the TransactionInterceptor and DTXAResourceInterceptor do, along
with the EjbToRemotingAdapter.
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