
10:22:11,765 INFO [STDOUT] insert into room_charge (checkinId,roomPrice,xbedPri
ce,xcribsPrice ,version) select checkinId,actualPrice,(case when isxbed='Y' the
n room_price.xbedPrice else 0 end), (case when isxcribs='Y' then room_price.xCr
ibsPrice else 0 end) , 0 from checkin_item left join room rm ON rm.roomid = ch
eckin_item.roomid left join room_price rp ON rm.roomtype = rp.roomtype where a
ctualArrivalDay<='2005-11-04' and stauts='Open'
10:22:11,765 ERROR [PARSER] line 1:276: unexpected token: ON
10:22:11,765 ERROR [PARSER] line 1:336: unexpected token: ON
10:22:11,775 INFO [STDOUT] org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpect
ed token: ON near line 1, column 276 [insert into room_charge (checkinId,roomPri
ce,xbedPrice,xcribsPrice ,version) select checkinId,actualPrice,(case when isxb
ed='Y' then room_price.xbedPrice else 0 end), (case when isxcribs='Y' then room
_price.xCribsPrice else 0 end) , 0 from checkin_item left join room rm ON rm.r
oomid = checkin_item.roomid left join room_price rp ON rm.roomtype = rp.roomtyp
e where actualArrivalDay<='2005-11-04' and stauts='Open' ]
