Application deployment failed. You have attempted to deploy an application that
uses J2EE 1.3 features while running WebLogic Server in J2EE 1.2 mode. You can c
onfigure WebLogic Server to run in J2EE 1.3 mode using the Administration Console.
This information is based on the DTD reference of the Public ID in the ejb-jar.
xml descriptor of this EJB application.
但還是能上傳 上去,只是呼叫不了..(NamingException..)
該怎麼辦呢,how using the Administration Consol?
Application deployment failed. You have attempted to deploy an application that
uses J2EE 1.3 features while running WebLogic Server in J2EE 1.2 mode. You can c
onfigure WebLogic Server to run in J2EE 1.3 mode using the Administration Console.
This information is based on the DTD reference of the Public ID in the ejb-jar.
xml descriptor of this EJB application.
但還是能上傳 上去,只是呼叫不了..(NamingException..)
該怎麼辦呢,how using the Administration Consol?
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