測試jdon2.5 開源專案時安裝錯誤
Setup Your Properties File Path Please Specify Working Directory for the properties file:
(if not sure just accept the default)
Note: This has to be part of your application classpath.
Setup Your Database Connection
Yazd needs to connect to a database in order to function properly. Fill in the following fields with the connection information for your database. Note: you should already have completed the import of the Yazd database schema as outlined in the installation guide.
connectionTimeout Time in days between connection resets. e.g. '.5'
password Database password. e.g. 'Tiger'
maxConnections Maximum # of connections in dynamic pool. Fifteen should give good performance for an average load.
minConnections Minimum # of connections to start with in pool. Three is the recommended minimum
logPath Absolute path name for log file. e.g. 'c:\logs\yazdDbLog.log'
driver JDBC driver. e.g. 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'
server JDBC connect string. e.g. 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@'
username Database username. e.g. 'Scott'
Could not load JDBC driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. Be sure that the driver is in the classpath of your application server and then press the back button to try again.
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