EMC SR Java 職位急聘(北京)

EMC SR Java 職位急聘(北京)

EMC中國卓越研發集團於2006年11月2日正式落成,位於上海和北京,並相繼開設了中國實驗室和全球客戶技術支援中心,主要負責EMC的核心軟體與硬體的開發工作。其主要目標是向EMC業務部門提供先進的軟體與硬體開發與質量保證功能,為全球的客戶提供世界一流的產品和技術支援服務。 2009年7日,EMC中國研發中心正式升級為EMC中國卓越研發集團,下設儲存技術研發基地、雲端計算研發基地、資訊管理研發基地、中國實驗室、全球解決方案中心和全球客戶技術支援中心六大職能部門,並且組成了以範承工博士為研發集團主席、艾嘉思與李映為聯席總經理的領導團隊,大大增強了領導力,將帶領中國研發團隊在EMC全球研發網路中扮演更關鍵的角色。

EMC 公司總部在美國波士頓附近,在全世界五十多個國家設有辦公室,員工35000餘人。EMC的研發網路遍佈三大洲,在俄羅斯、愛爾蘭、以色列、印度、中國和美國六個國家設有分支機構。EMC 中國卓越研發集團與EMC在印度和俄羅斯的研發中心一起,組成了EMC在全球的三大卓越研發中心,並且是其中增長最快的。


Requirements: (Outsourcing)

- Bachelor/Masters degree in Computer Science or equivalent from a reputable university

- 5+ years of industry experience

- Hands-on experience shipping production software

- Experience developing in php, J2EE and related technologies

- Strong object oriented design and development patterns

- Strong technical skills in: Java, Web Services (SOAP/REST), Spring, Hibernate, Design Pattern, SOA

- Outstanding problem-solving skills

- Strong software development and system design skills

- Ability to communicate easily across multiple engineering groups

- Excellent Chinese and English written, verbal, and presentation communication skills

- Strong interpersonal and problem-solving skills


- Comfortable developing for the Windows and/or Linux environments

- Understanding of the enterprise database management space

- Experience in building distributed enterprise management applications

- Experience using web service data providers

- Good understanding of concepts and programming in a client/server, distributed computing environment.

- Very solid architecture design and development experience in at least one of the following areas:

database, database management; cloud computing, online services system or distributed system; cloud management system;

- Able to work well both independently and as a team member

Email: chen_zhiping@vanceinfo.com

MSN: andychen_95@hotmail.com
