* Supporting version control systems: cvs, visual sourcesafe, subversion
starteam, perforce, base clearcase, clearcase UCM. Build can be performed
from one or more repositories of the same or different vcs types.
* Easy setup. All tasks are done through a clean web interface. No any
configuration files.
* Build for parallel development are well supported by using notion
of project, view and module.
* History builds can be exactly re-produced
* Can perform clean build or increment build
* Build can be triggered in many ways, such as trigger build manually, trigger
build when changes are detected in source repository, trigger build rightaway
upon user checkin, or trigger build by user-defined conditions, etc
* Build success conditions can be defined by user, such as examine command return
code, pattern match on command outputs, etc.
* Source repository can get labeled after a build to record exact source
files compositing current build
* Email or MSN notification to specified users or checkin users upon build
* Build artifacts are published on web to provide a central download area
for whole team.
* Can add patch for particular build through file uploading.
* Builds are categorized, and can get promoted.
* Build can be searched and deleted.
* Build log, revision log and system log4j log can be directly accessed
through web interface.
* Different jdk, jdk options, ant, and ant options can be configured for
different project/views.
* Schedule can be periodically or cron like.
* API available to integrate your applications with luntbuild
* Flexible versioning strategy, such as automatically increase self-defined
version number, be able to embed dynamic fields such as build date, build iterations
into build version etc.
* Supporting version control systems: cvs, visual sourcesafe, subversion
starteam, perforce, base clearcase, clearcase UCM. Build can be performed
from one or more repositories of the same or different vcs types.
* Easy setup. All tasks are done through a clean web interface. No any
configuration files.
* Build for parallel development are well supported by using notion
of project, view and module.
* History builds can be exactly re-produced
* Can perform clean build or increment build
* Build can be triggered in many ways, such as trigger build manually, trigger
build when changes are detected in source repository, trigger build rightaway
upon user checkin, or trigger build by user-defined conditions, etc
* Build success conditions can be defined by user, such as examine command return
code, pattern match on command outputs, etc.
* Source repository can get labeled after a build to record exact source
files compositing current build
* Email or MSN notification to specified users or checkin users upon build
* Build artifacts are published on web to provide a central download area
for whole team.
* Can add patch for particular build through file uploading.
* Builds are categorized, and can get promoted.
* Build can be searched and deleted.
* Build log, revision log and system log4j log can be directly accessed
through web interface.
* Different jdk, jdk options, ant, and ant options can be configured for
different project/views.
* Schedule can be periodically or cron like.
* API available to integrate your applications with luntbuild
* Flexible versioning strategy, such as automatically increase self-defined
version number, be able to embed dynamic fields such as build date, build iterations
into build version etc.
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