在Python中,函式是一等公民,裝飾器是強大的語法糖,利用這一功能給程式設計師提供了一種看似 "神奇 "的方式來建構函式和類的有用組合。
這是一個重要的語言特性,它使 Python 與傳統的 OOP 語言如 C++ 和 Java 區別開來,後者實現這種功能需要更多的程式碼,或者更復雜的模板化程式碼。
在 Python 中,函式是第一等公民:函式可以傳遞給其他函式,可以從函式中返回,並且可以即時建立。讓我們看一個例子。
# 即時定義一個函式 pow2 = lambda x: x**2 print(pow2(2)) # 將一個函式作為引數 def print_twice(func: Callable, arg: Any): print(func(arg)) print(func(arg)) print_twice(pow2, 3) # 將一個函式作為引數,並返回一個新函式 def hello(): print('Hello world!') def loop(func: Callable, n: int): for _ in range(n): func() loop(hello, 3) 輸出: 4 9 9 Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! |
讓我們舉一個有用的例子,測量執行一個函式需要多長時間。最好的情況是,我們可以很容易地註解一個現有的函式,並獲得 "免費 "的測量。讓我們來看看下面兩個函式。
from timeit import default_timer as timer from time import sleep def measure(func: Callable): def inner(*args, **kwargs): print(f'---> Calling {func.__name__}()') start = timer() func(*args, **kwargs) elapsed_sec = timer() - start print(f'---> Done {func.__name__}(): {elapsed_sec:.3f} secs') return inner def sleeper(seconds: int = 0): print('Going to sleep...') sleep(seconds) print('Done!') |
measure()是一個函式,它接收一個函式func()作為引數,並返回一個在內部宣告的函式inner()。inner()接收任何傳入的引數並將它們傳給func(),但將這個呼叫包裹在幾行中,以測量並列印以秒為單位的經過時間。 sleeper()是一個測試函式,它明確地睡了一會兒,所以我們可以測量它。
measured_sleeper = measure(sleeper) measured_sleeper(3) 輸出: ---> Calling sleeper() Going to sleep... Done! ---> Done sleeper(): 3.000 secs |
sleeper = measure(sleeper) |
這裡我們替換了當前作用域中的sleeper引用,使之指向原始sleeper()函式的測量版本。這和在函式宣告前面加上@decorator 是一回事。
@measure def sleeper(seconds: int = 0): print('Going to sleep...') sleep(seconds) print('Done!') |
def repeat(n: int = 1): def decorator(func: Callable): def inner(*args, **kwargs): for _ in range(n): func(*args, **kwargs) return inner return decorator @repeat(n=3) def hello(name: str): print(f'Hello {name}!') hello('world') |
Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! |
@trace: 用一個函式來裝飾一個類
@trace class Foo: i: int = 0 def __init__(self, i: int = 0): self.i = i def increment(self): self.i += 1 def __str__(self): return f'This is a {self.__class__.__name__} object with i = {self.i}' |
def trace(cls: type): def make_traced(cls: type, method_name: str, method: Callable): def traced_method(*args, **kwargs): print(f'Executing {cls.__name__}::{method_name}...') return method(*args, **kwargs) return traced_method for method_name, method in getmembers(cls, ismethod): setattr(cls, method_name, make_traced(cls, method_name, method)) return cls |
這個實現是非常直接的。我們遍歷 cls.__dict__.items() 中的所有方法,並用一個包裝好的方法來替換,我們用內部的 make_traced() 函式製造這個方法。它是有效的。
f1 = Foo() f2 = Foo(4) f1.increment() print(f1) print(f2) 輸出: Executing Foo::__init__... Executing Foo::__init__... Executing Foo::increment... Executing Foo::__str__... This is a Foo object with i = 1 Executing Foo::__str__... This is a Foo object with i = 4 |
在軟體工程中,單子模式是一種軟體設計模式,它將一個類的例項化限制為一個 "單一 "的例項。當完全需要一個物件來協調整個系統的行動時,這很有用。
def singleton(cls: type): def __new__singleton(cls: type, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(cls, '__singleton'): cls.__singleton = object.__new__(cls) # type: ignore return cls.__singleton # type: ignore cls.__new__ = __new__singleton # type: ignore return cls |
@singleton class Foo: i: int = 0 def __init__(self, i: int = 0): self.i = i def increment(self): self.i += 1 def __str__(self): return f'This is a {self.__class__.__name__} object with i = {self.i}' @singleton class Bar: i: int = 0 def __init__(self, i: int = 0): self.i = i def increment(self): self.i += 1 def __str__(self): return f'This is a {self.__class__.__name__} object with i = {self.i}' f1 = Foo() f2 = Foo(4) f1.increment() b1 = Bar(9) print(f1) print(f2) print(b1) print(f1 is f2) print(f1 is b1) 輸出: This is a Foo object with i = 5 This is a Foo object with i = 5 This is a Bar object with i = 9 True False |
上面的程式碼之所以有效,是因為在 Python 中,類的宣告實際上只是一個函式的語法糖,這個函式構造一個新的型別物件。例如,上面宣告的類 Foo 也可以透過程式設計方式來定義,比如:
def make_class(name): cls = type(name, (), {}) setattr(cls, 'i', 0) def __init__(self, i): self.i = i setattr(cls, '__init__', __init__) def increment(self): self.i += 1 setattr(cls, 'increment', increment) def __str__(self): return f'This is a {self.__class__.__name__} object with i = {self.i}' setattr(cls, '__str__', __str__) return cls Foo = make_class('Foo') |
但是,如果是這樣的話,我們不僅可以用函式來裝飾一個函式,用函式來裝飾一個類,還可以用類來裝飾一個類。讓我們看一個@Count模式的例子,我們想計算建立的例項的數量。我們有一個現有的類,我們希望能夠在類的定義前加上@Count,然後得到一個 "免費 "的建立例項的數量,然後我們可以使用裝飾器Count類來訪問。解決辦法是:
class Count: instances: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) # we will use this as a class instance def __call__(self, cls): # here cls is either Foo or Bar class Counted(cls): # here cls is either Foo or Bar def __new__(cls: type, *args, **kwargs): # here cls is Counted Count.instances[cls.__bases__[0].__name__] += 1 return super().__new__(cls) # type: ignore Counted.__name__ = cls.__name__ # without this ^ , self.__class__.__name__ would # be 'Counted' in the __str__() functions below return Counted |
訣竅在於,當一個類被用Count裝飾時,它的__call__()方法會被執行時呼叫,並且該類被作為cls傳入。在內部,我們構造了一個新的類 Counted,它的父類是 cls,但重寫了 __new__(),並在 Count 類的變數例項中增加了一個計數器(但除此之外還建立了一個新的例項並返回)。然後,新構造的 Counted 類(其名稱被重寫)被返回,並取代了原來定義的類。讓我們看看它的操作。
@Count() class Foo: i: int = 0 def __init__(self, i: int = 0): self.i = i def increment(self): self.i += 1 def __str__(self): return f'This is a {self.__class__.__name__} object with i = {self.i}' @Count() class Bar: i: int = 0 def __init__(self, i: int = 0): self.i = i def increment(self): self.i += 1 def __str__(self): return f'This is a {self.__class__.__name__} object with i = {self.i}' f1 = Foo() f2 = Foo(6) f2.increment() b1 = Bar(9) print(f1) print(f2) print(b1) for class_name, num_instances in Count.instances.items(): print(f'{class_name} -> {num_instances}') 輸出: This is a Foo object with i = 0 This is a Foo object with i = 7 This is a Bar object with i = 9 Foo -> 2 Bar -> 1 |
@app.route: 透過裝飾函式構建類似Flask的應用物件
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello(): return 'Hello, World!' |
class Router: routes: dict[str, Callable] = {} def route(self, prefix: str): def decorator(func: Callable): self.routes[prefix] = func return decorator def default_handler(self, path): return f'404 (path was {path})' def handle_request(self, path): longest_match, handler_func = 0, None for prefix, func in self.routes.items(): if path.startswith(prefix) and len(prefix) > longest_match: longest_match, handler_func = len(prefix), func if handler_func is None: handler_func = self.default_handler print(f'Response: {handler_func(path)}') |
app = Router() @app.route('/') def hello(_): return 'Hello to my server!' @app.route('/version') def version(_): return 'Version 0.1' app.handle_request('/') app.handle_request('/version') app.handle_request('does-not-exist') 輸出: Response: Hello to my server! Response: Version 0.1 Response: 404 (path was does-not-exist) |
@decorator vs @decorator()
@measure def sleeper(seconds: int = 0): ... |
我們是否也可以在def前寫上@measure()?不可以! 我們會得到一個錯誤:
measure() missing 1 required positional argument: 'func' |
很簡單:@decorator def func被func = decorator(func)所取代。
如果我們寫@decorator() def func,它就會被func = decorator()(func)取代。
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