Java Programming.
Write a simple Java program. This program is to record marks for a maximum of 10 people. Your program is to prompt the user for a person’s name and the mark that they got. After this it should ask if the user wants to enter another mark and if they do ask for and store another. It should continue to do this till the user answers no to entering another mark.
Once this happens it should print out all the names and marks. It should also specify the min and max marks and who achieved them. It should also print out the average mark.
Finish in1 hour and half.
編輯一個簡單的程式,本程式用於記錄最多10個人的成績。要求列出每個人的名子和成績,之後系統提示是否繼續紀錄:Continue Yes/No. Yes:填寫下一個人的名子和成績, No: 列出已出入的全部名子和成績。
Write a simple Java program. This program is to record marks for a maximum of 10 people. Your program is to prompt the user for a person’s name and the mark that they got. After this it should ask if the user wants to enter another mark and if they do ask for and store another. It should continue to do this till the user answers no to entering another mark.
Once this happens it should print out all the names and marks. It should also specify the min and max marks and who achieved them. It should also print out the average mark.
Finish in1 hour and half.
編輯一個簡單的程式,本程式用於記錄最多10個人的成績。要求列出每個人的名子和成績,之後系統提示是否繼續紀錄:Continue Yes/No. Yes:填寫下一個人的名子和成績, No: 列出已出入的全部名子和成績。
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