PostgreSQL Detail: Failed on request of size 8192 in memory context "ErrorContex
FROM oss_dwd.dwd_story_dd story FULL JOIN oss_dwd.dwd_story_task_relation_dd str ON story.dwid = str.story dwid FULL JOIN oss_dwd.dwd_task_dd task ON str.task_dwid = task.dwid LEFT JOIN gs5_dwd..dwd_story_member_dd mem ON mem.story_dwid = story.dwid AND mem.member_type = 'story_designer' 2022-06-29 13:43:33.129 [ERROR]Error in execute sql java.lang.RuntimeException: sql execute exception is at com.xxxxxx.rdcxxxxxxxxxxx at com.xxxxxx.rdcxxxxxxxxxxx at com.xxxxxx.rdcxxxxxxxxxxxjava:193) at com.xxxxxx.rdcxxxxxxxxxxx at java.util.concurrent.xxxxxxxxxxx at java.util.concurrentxxxxxxxxxxx at java.util.concurrentxxxxxxxxxxx at java.util.concurrentxxxxxxxxxxx [?:1.8.0__202] at [?:1.8.0_202] Caused by: org.postgresgl.util.PSQLException: ERROR: out of memory Detail: Failed on request of size 8192 in memory context "ErrorContext" at orgpostgresal.core.v3.xxxxxx
當前資料庫work_mem是4MB,會話或者例項級別 調整work_mem
set work_mem='64MB';
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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