- How big is the company?
- 公司有多大?或者說公司研發人員規模、研發團隊組成等。
- Why did you choose to work here?
- 你為什麼選擇在這裡工作?
- Do you enjoy this particular project?
- 你喜歡這份工作麼?
- Is there flexibility within the org to move around to different projects?
- 組織內部是否有靈活性,可以在不同的專案中流動?
- What’s a typical day like? Software dev process? (agile/tdd/pairing?)
- 日常的一天是怎樣的?專案開發流程能大概說下麼?(敏捷/測試驅動/結對程式設計)
- Bug tracking system?
- Bug跟蹤系統?
- Version control system?
- 程式碼管理系統?
- Dev. desktop vs server OS?
- 開發本機還是切到伺服器環境開發?
- Developer machine hardware?
- 開發者的機器硬體配置?
- Is the product live in production?
- 產品是否已投入了生產?
- If not, what’s the schedule for developing it?
- 如果沒有,接下來的開發計劃是?
- How often are releases done?
- 多久發一次版?
- Who supports the product once it’s released? Pager duty?
- 誰來維護上線產品?Pager duty?()
- Monitoring email?
- 監控郵件?
- Where do feature + bugfix requests come from?
- 線上緊急hotfix的流程是怎樣的?
- Who does the “design” of the product?
- 誰來設計產品?
- Internal designers, devs, both?
- 內部設計人員,開發者,還是兩者一起協作?
- Would my work be full-stack, or focused on backend/frontend?
- 我的工作是全棧,還是專注於後端/前端?
- How big is the code base?
- 現在的程式碼量是多大?
- Lots of ties to external/legacy projects?
- 現在專案技術債怎樣?
- Typical working hours?
- 日常工作時間?
- Flexibility?
- 彈性辦公?
- Crunch times?
- 加班時間
- Working from home?
- 可居家辦公?
- Regularly vs. Snow days?
- 比如正常天氣和極端天氣?
- Do you have a favorite part of the job?
- 這份工作你最喜歡的部分?
- Least favorite?
- 最討厭的部分?
- Do you have a time tracking system?
- 你是否有時間去跟蹤系統?
- Centralized IT dept?
- 中心化的IT債務?
- Gov’t contractor?
- 政府合同?
- Clearance required?
- Potential for clearance?
- Regulatory compliance?
- PCI, SOX, etc. Annual training?
- 是否有PCI,SOX等的年度培訓?
- Do people hang out outside work?
- 工作之外是否可以閒逛?
- Company outings?
- 公司出遊活動?
- Lunch? Budget for conferences?
- 午餐是?
- Internal lightning talks/brown bag lunches?
- 內部講座等?
- Dress code?
- 著裝風格?
- Does the company seem stable?
- 公司穩定麼?
- Profitable?
- 公司盈利麼?
- Any plans to sell?
- 有出售的打算麼?
- Bonus structure?
- 績效是怎樣的?
- Management style/structure?
- 管理風格?
- Frequent catch-ups aka one-on-ones?
- 會經常性的內部分享,或者是一對一的交流?
- Something else?
- Room for advancement?
- 是否有提升空間?
- Learning opportunities?
- 是否有學習機會?
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