mysql 系統審計日誌格式說明:
寫 audit_log 檔案 日誌格式:
[timestamp],[serverhost],[username],[host],[connectionid], [queryid],[operation],[database],[object],[retcode]
寫 syslog 檔案格式:
[timestamp][syslog_host][syslog_ident]:[syslog_info][serverhost],[username],[host], [connectionid],[queryid],[operation],[database],[object],[retcode]
Item logged | Description |
timestamp | Time at which the event occurred. If syslog is used, the format is defined by
syslogd . |
syslog_host | Host from which the syslog entry was received. |
syslog_ident | For identifying a system log entry, including the MariaDB server. |
syslog_info | For providing information for identifying a system log entry. |
serverhost | The MariaDB server host name. |
username | Connected user. |
host | Host from which the user connected. |
connectionid | Connection ID number for the related operation. |
queryid | Query ID number, which can be used for finding the relational table events and related queries. For TABLE events, multiple lines will be added. |
operation | Recorded action type: CONNECT, QUERY, READ, WRITE, CREATE, ALTER, RENAME, DROP. |
database | Active database (as set by ). |
object | Executed query for QUERY events, or the table name in the case of TABLE events. |
retcode | Return code of the logged operation. |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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