emacs rust-mode
Configuring Emacs for Rust development
My Emacs Rust Language Config
特性 | 描述 |
原始碼之間移動 | 找到函式的原始碼為止,回到函式引用處 |
程式碼自動填充 | |
程式碼語法檢查和錯誤高亮 | |
程式碼語法規範化 | |
cargo編譯和執行 | |
3.1 依賴安裝
程式 | 安裝 |
rust | 非emacs包 |
cargo | 非emacs包 |
rust-mode | M-x package-install rust-mode |
cargo | M-x package-install cargo |
racer | 非emacs包 |
rustup toolchain add nightly
rustup component add rust-src
cargo +nightly install racer
3.2 更新配置
;; started from http://emacs-bootstrap.com/
;; rust-mode
;; https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-mode
(use-package rust-mode
:bind ( :map rust-mode-map
(("C-c C-t" . racer-describe)
([?\t] . company-indent-or-complete-common)))
;; add flycheck support for rust (reads in cargo stuff)
;; https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-rust
(use-package flycheck-rust)
;; cargo-mode for all the cargo related operations
;; https://github.com/kwrooijen/cargo.el
(use-package cargo
:hook (rust-mode . cargo-minor-mode)
("C-c C-c C-n" . cargo-process-new)) ;; global binding
;;; racer-mode for getting IDE like features for rust-mode
;; https://github.com/racer-rust/emacs-racer
(use-package racer
:hook (rust-mode . racer-mode)
;; package does this by default ;; set racer rust source path environment variable
;; (setq racer-rust-src-path (getenv "RUST_SRC_PATH"))
(defun my-racer-mode-hook ()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
'((company-capf company-files)))
(setq company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil))
(add-hook 'racer-mode-hook 'my-racer-mode-hook)
;; enable company and eldoc minor modes in rust-mode (racer-mode)
(add-hook 'racer-mode-hook #'company-mode)
(add-hook 'racer-mode-hook #'eldoc-mode)))
(add-hook 'rust-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
(add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook 'flycheck-rust-setup)
;; format rust buffers on save using rustfmt
(add-hook 'before-save-hook
(lambda ()
(when (eq major-mode 'rust-mode)
3.3 最終配置
(use-package rust-mode
(("\\.rs\\'" . rust-mode))
(rust-mode . global-linum-mode) ;; 行顯示
(rust-mode . hs-minor-mode) ;; 摺疊模式
(rust-mode . eldoc-mode) ;; 程式碼追蹤
(rust-mode . company-mode) ;; 自動填充
(rust-mode . cargo-minor-mode)
(rust-mode . racer-mode)
(rust-mode . flycheck-mode)
(flycheck-mode . flycheck-rust-setup)
(rust-mode . (lambda () (setq indent-tabs-mode nil))) ;; 設定縮排
(setq rust-format-on-save t) ;; 設定格式化