這裡用到了Python的兩個包來傳送郵件: smtplib 和 email 。
Python 的 email 模組裡包含了許多實用的郵件格式設定函式,可以用來建立郵件“包裹”。使用的 MIMEText 物件,為底層的 MIME(Multipurpose Internet MailExtensions,多用途網際網路郵件擴充套件型別)協議傳輸建立了一封空郵件,最後通過高層的SMTP 協議傳送出去。 MIMEText 物件 msg 包括收發郵箱地址、郵件正文和主題,Python 通過它就可以建立一封格式正確的郵件。smtplib 模組用來設定伺服器連線的相關資訊。
#coding=utf-8 import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from_mail = "xxxx@163.com" # 發件人 to_mail = "xxxx@qq.com" # 收件人 mail_passwd = "xxxx" # 163郵件的授權碼而不是登入密碼 content = "this is the first python email" subject = "mail test" msg = MIMEText(content) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = from_mail msg['To'] = to_mail try: s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect('smtp.163.com') # 連線到smtp伺服器 s.login(from_mail,mail_passwd) # 登入163郵箱 s.sendmail(from_mail,to_mail,msg.as_string()) # 使用smtp伺服器向外傳送郵件 print("OK") except Exception as e: print(e) finally: s.close()
#coding=utf-8 import smtplib, sys from email.mime.text import MIMEText content = "this is the first python email" subject = "mail test" msg = MIMEText(content) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = sys.argv[1] # 使用指令碼外帶的引數輸入發件人,收件人以及授權碼 msg['To'] = sys.argv[3] try: s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect('smtp.163.com') s.login(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]) s.sendmail(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[3],msg.as_string()) print("OK") except Exception as e: print(e) finally: s.close()