#For cross-validation, we follow the time-series machine-learning literature and propose the use of rolling-origin evaluation [24], also known as rolling-origin-recalibration evaluation [25]. These are forms of nested cross-validation, which should give an almost unbiased estimate of error [23]. Once the number of institutions (forecasters) that we could be used to properly define the training, validation and test sets are selected, we can start to solve the optimization problem. As we will have already noticed, the institutions must be the same in the training, testing and validation sets. If this condition is not fulfilled, the problem will not be well defined. To solve this issue, in our application (see Section 4), the dimensionality of the initial data bank was reduced from 21 to around 10 forecasters satisfying the condition of existence of data for the three phases. This gives us three sets of data sampling with around 10 institutions for each phase.
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