Flowable 6.6.0 表單 - 3.Spring 整合 - 3.1 FormEngineFactoryBean
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Flowable 6.6.0表單使用者指南(Forms User Guide)
3.Spring 整合(Spring integration)
While you can definitely use Flowable Form without Spring, we’ve provided some very nice integration features that are explained in this chapter.
3.1 FormEngineFactoryBean
The FormEngine can be configured as a regular Spring bean. The starting point of the integration is the class org.flowable.form.spring.FormEngineFactoryBean. This bean takes a Form engine configuration and creates the Form engine. This means that the creation and configuration of properties for Spring is the same as documented in the configuration section. For Spring integration, the configuration and engine beans will look like this:
FormEngine可以配置為常規的Spring bean。整合的起點是類org.flowable.form.spring.FormEngineFactoryBean. 這個bean接受表單引擎配置並建立表單引擎。這意味著Spring屬性的建立和配置與configuration部分中記錄的相同。對於Spring integration,配置和引擎bean如下所示:
<bean id="formEngineConfiguration" class="org.flowable.form.spring.SpringFormEngineConfiguration">
<bean id="formEngine" class="org.flowable.form.spring.FormEngineFactoryBean">
<property name="formEngineConfiguration" ref="formEngineConfiguration" />
Note that the formEngineConfiguration bean now uses the org.flowable.form.spring.SpringFormEngineConfiguration class.
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