springboot jap自定義原生sql 接收SELECT count(*) 的返回long型別結果
Long total = null; Object singleResult=null; try { String sqlStr = "SELECT count(*) from order_product op, `order` o WHERE op.PRODUCT_UUID =:PRODUCTUUID and o.ORDER_UUID = op.ORDER_UUID and ( (:STARTINGTIME between o.STARTING_TIME and o.ENDING_TIME ) or ( :ENDINGTIME between o.STARTING_TIME and o.ENDING_TIME ) ) and o.IS_DELETED=:isDeleted "; singleResult = em.createNativeQuery(sqlStr) .setParameter("STARTINGTIME", startingTime) .setParameter("ENDINGTIME", endingTime) .setParameter("PRODUCTUUID", productUUid) .setParameter("isDeleted", Boolean.FALSE) .getSingleResult(); total=Long.parseLong(singleResult.toString()); } catch (NoResultException e) { logger.info("No record found"); } return total == null ? 0 : total.intValue();
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