
  1. 全球圓柱等積投影定義

The North azimuthal equal-area map is defined by the following equations:

r = 2R/C * sin(lambda) * sin(PI/4 - phi/2) + r0
s = 2
R/C * cos(lambda) * sin(PI/4 - phi/2) + s0
h = cos(PI/4 - phi/2)
k = sec(PI/4 - phi/2)

  1. 北半球方位角等積投影定義

The South azimuthal equal-area map is defined by the following equations:

r = 2R/C * sin(lambda) * cos(PI/4 - phi/2) + r0
s = -2
R/C * cos(lambda) * cos(PI/4 - phi/2) + s0
h = sin(PI/4 - phi/2)
k = csc(PI/4 - phi/2)

  1. 南半球方位角等積投影定義

The South azimuthal equal-area map is defined by the following equations:

r = 2R/C * sin(lambda) * cos(PI/4 - phi/2) + r0
s = -2
R/C * cos(lambda) * cos(PI/4 - phi/2) + s0
h = sin(PI/4 - phi/2)
k = csc(PI/4 - phi/2)

來源 GaoHR 個人部落格: http://gaohr.win
