6-12 二叉搜尋樹的操作集
6-12 二叉搜尋樹的操作集 (30分)
BinTree Insert( BinTree BST, ElementType X );
BinTree Delete( BinTree BST, ElementType X );
Position Find( BinTree BST, ElementType X );
Position FindMin( BinTree BST );
Position FindMax( BinTree BST );
typedef struct TNode *Position;
typedef Position BinTree;
struct TNode{
ElementType Data;
BinTree Left;
BinTree Right;
- 函式Insert將X插入二叉搜尋樹BST並返回結果樹的根結點指標;
- 函式Delete將X從二叉搜尋樹BST中刪除,並返回結果樹的根結點- - 指標;如果X不在樹中,則列印一行Not Found並返回原樹的根結點指標;
- 函式Find在二叉搜尋樹BST中找到X,返回該結點的指標;如果找不到則返回空指標;
- 函式FindMin返回二叉搜尋樹BST中最小元結點的指標;
- 函式FindMax返回二叉搜尋樹BST中最大元結點的指標。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef int ElementType;
typedef struct TNode *Position;
typedef Position BinTree;
struct TNode{
ElementType Data;
BinTree Left;
BinTree Right;
void PreorderTraversal( BinTree BT ); /* 先序遍歷,由裁判實現,細節不表 */
void InorderTraversal( BinTree BT ); /* 中序遍歷,由裁判實現,細節不表 */
BinTree Insert( BinTree BST, ElementType X );
BinTree Delete( BinTree BST, ElementType X );
Position Find( BinTree BST, ElementType X );
Position FindMin( BinTree BST );
Position FindMax( BinTree BST );
int main()
BinTree BST, MinP, MaxP, Tmp;
ElementType X;
int N, i;
scanf("%d", &N);
for ( i=0; i<N; i++ ) {
scanf("%d", &X);
BST = Insert(BST, X);
printf("Preorder:"); PreorderTraversal(BST); printf("\n");
MinP = FindMin(BST);
MaxP = FindMax(BST);
scanf("%d", &N);
for( i=0; i<N; i++ ) {
scanf("%d", &X);
Tmp = Find(BST, X);
if (Tmp == NULL) printf("%d is not found\n", X);
else {
printf("%d is found\n", Tmp->Data);
if (Tmp==MinP) printf("%d is the smallest key\n", Tmp->Data);
if (Tmp==MaxP) printf("%d is the largest key\n", Tmp->Data);
scanf("%d", &N);
for( i=0; i<N; i++ ) {
scanf("%d", &X);
BST = Delete(BST, X);
printf("Inorder:"); InorderTraversal(BST); printf("\n");
return 0;
/* 你的程式碼將被嵌在這裡 */
5 8 6 2 4 1 0 10 9 7
6 3 10 0 5
5 7 0 10 3
Preorder: 5 2 1 0 4 8 6 7 10 9
6 is found
3 is not found
10 is found
10 is the largest key
0 is found
0 is the smallest key
5 is found
Not Found
Inorder: 1 2 4 6 8 9
BinTree Insert( BinTree BST, ElementType X ) // 插入建立二叉搜尋樹
BST = (BinTree)malloc(sizeof(struct TNode));
BST->Data = X;
BST->Left = NULL;
BST->Right= NULL;
if(X < BST->Data) BST->Left = Insert(BST->Left,X);
if(X > BST->Data) BST->Right= Insert(BST->Right,X);
return BST;
BinTree Delete( BinTree BST, ElementType X )
BinTree t;
if(!BST) printf("Not Found\n");
if( X < BST->Data) BST->Left = Delete(BST->Left,X); //當前值小於結點值,在左子樹下
else if(X > BST->Data) BST->Right = Delete(BST->Right,X); //當前值大於結點值,在右子樹下
else //已找到要刪除的結點
if(BST->Left && BST->Right) //刪除的結點有左右子結點
t = FindMin(BST->Right); //從右子樹中找出最小的元素填充要刪除的結點
BST->Data = t->Data;
BST->Right = Delete(BST->Right,BST->Data); //遞迴從右子樹中刪除最小元素
else // 刪除的結點有1個或0個子節點
t = BST;
if(!BST->Left) BST = BST->Right; //只有右子結點或無子結點
else BST = BST->Left; //只有左子結點或無子結點
return BST;
Position Find( BinTree BST, ElementType X )
if(X > BST->Data) BST = BST->Right;
else if(X < BST->Data) BST = BST->Left;
else break;
return BST;
Position FindMin( BinTree BST )
if( !BST ) return NULL;
else if(!BST->Left) return BST;
else return FindMin(BST->Left);
Position FindMax( BinTree BST )
while(BST->Right) BST = BST->Right;
return BST;
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