



SYS@test> @ &r/ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi

SYS@test> alter system set cursor_space_for_time=true scope=spfile;
System altered.

SYS@test> show parameter cursor_space_for_time
NAME                  TYPE    VALUE
--------------------- ------- ------
cursor_space_for_time boolean TRUE

SCOTT@test> create table job_times (sid number, sessionid number,time_ela number,method varchar2(20));
Table created.

$ cat m2.txt
set verify off
--//host sleep $(echo &&3/50 | bc -l )
insert into job_times values ( sys_context ('userenv', 'sid') ,sys_context ('userenv', 'sessionid'),dbms_utility.get_time ,'&&2') ;
commit ;
v_id number;
v_d date;
m_rowid varchar2(20);
m_data varchar2(32);
--//   m_rowid := '&3';
        v_id := &3;
    for i in 1 .. &&1 loop
        select dname into m_data from dept where deptno = v_id ;
--//    select ename into m_data from emp where rowid =m_rowid ;
    end loop;
end ;
update job_times set time_ela = dbms_utility.get_time - time_ela where sid=sys_context ('userenv', 'sid') and sessionid=sys_context ('userenv', 'sessionid') and method='&&2';

$ zzdate ;seq 50 | xargs -I{} -P 50 sqlplus -s -l scott/btbtms @m2.txt 1e6 cursor=true 10 >/dev/null ;zzdate
trunc(sysdate)+11/24+02/1440+07/86400 == 2020/11/13 11:02:07
trunc(sysdate)+11/24+02/1440+47/86400 == 2020/11/13 11:02:47

SYS@test> @ tpt/snapper ash 60 1  "select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1"
Sampling SID select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1 with interval 60 seconds, taking 1 snapshots...
-- Session Snapper v4.11 BETA - by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com ) - Enjoy the Most Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Script on the Planet! :)
Active% | INST | SQL_ID          | SQL_CHILD | EVENT                               | WAIT_CLASS
  2176% |    1 | 56r5sd49t3jrv   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   455% |    1 | 0dgcvpaqt1gp7   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   327% |    1 |                 |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
     8% |    1 | 56r5sd49t3jrv   |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
     2% |    1 |                 | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
     1% |    1 | 95mdkn5g8v9za   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
     1% |    1 |                 |           | log file sync                       | Commit
--  End of ASH snap 1, end=2020-11-13 11:03:05, seconds=60, samples_taken=98
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SCOTT@test> Select method,count(*),round(avg(TIME_ELA),0),sum(TIME_ELA) from job_times group by method order by 3 ;
-------------------- ---------- ---------------------- -------------
cursor=true                  50                   3552        177595

SYS@test> alter system reset cursor_space_for_time scope=spfile sid='*';
System altered.
SCOTT@test> alter system reset cursor_space_for_time scope=spfile;
alter system reset cursor_space_for_time scope=spfile
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00905: missing keyword

SYS@test> show parameter cursor_space_for_time
NAME                  TYPE    VALUE
--------------------- ------- -----
cursor_space_for_time boolean FALSE

$ zzdate ;seq 50 | xargs -I{} -P 50 sqlplus -s -l scott/btbtms @m2.txt 1e6 cursor=false 10 >/dev/null ;zzdate
trunc(sysdate)+11/24+05/1440+17/86400 == 2020/11/13 11:05:17
trunc(sysdate)+11/24+06/1440+11/86400 == 2020/11/13 11:06:11

SYS@test> @ tpt/snapper ash 60 1  "select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1"
Sampling SID select inst_id,sid from gv$session where username='SCOTT' and program like 'sqlplus%' and inst_id=1 with interval 60 seconds, taking 1 snapshots...
-- Session Snapper v4.11 BETA - by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com ) - Enjoy the Most Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Script on the Planet! :)
Active% | INST | SQL_ID          | SQL_CHILD | EVENT                               | WAIT_CLASS
  2419% |    1 | 56r5sd49t3jrv   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   606% |    1 |                 |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   461% |    1 | 0dgcvpaqt1gp7   | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
   299% |    1 |                 |           | cursor: pin S                       | Other
   153% |    1 | 56r5sd49t3jrv   | 0         | cursor: pin S                       | Other
    19% |    1 | 56r5sd49t3jrv   |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
    15% |    1 | 56r5sd49t3jrv   | 0         | latch: session allocation           | Other
    10% |    1 | 0dgcvpaqt1gp7   |           | cursor: pin S wait on X             | Concurrency
     6% |    1 |                 | 0         | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
     1% |    1 | 0dgcvpaqt1gp7   |           | ON CPU                              | ON CPU
--  End of ASH snap 1, end=2020-11-13 11:06:17, seconds=60, samples_taken=99
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
--//出現cursor: pin S。另外cursor: pin S wait on X估計估計與我重啟馬上測試有關。

SCOTT@test> Select method,count(*),round(avg(TIME_ELA),0),sum(TIME_ELA) from job_times group by method order by 3 ;
-------------------- ---------- ---------------------- -------------
cursor=true                  50                   3552        177595
cursor=false                 50                   4801        240068


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