


本文為美國科羅拉多州大學(作者:Jeffrey Alan Siegfried)的碩士論文,共134頁。








Agriculture is the largest consumer ofwater globally. As pressure on available water resources increases, the need toexploit technology in order to produce more food with less water becomescrucial. The technological hardware requisite for precise water deliverymethods such as variable rate irrigation is commercially available. Despitethat, techniques to formulate a timely, accurate prescription for those systemsare inadequate. Spectral vegetation indices, especially Normalized DifferenceVegetation Index, are often used to gauge crop vigor and related parameters(e.g. leaf nitrogen content and grain yield). However, research heretoforerarely addresses the influence of soil moisture on the indices. Canopytemperature measured using inexpensive infrared thermometers could also serveas an indicator of water stress, but current methods which exploit the data canbe cumbersome. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine 1) ifvegetation indices derived from multispectral satellite imagery could assist inquantifying soil moisture variability in an irrigated maize production system2) the period of time which a single image is representative of soil moistureconditions 3) to determine the relationship between synchronous measurements ofcrop canopy temperature and in-field soil moisture tension, and 4) tounderstand the influence of discretionary crop canopy temperature stressthresholds on the relationship between soil moisture tension and crop canopytemperature. A variable rate irrigation pivot was used to form six watertreatment zones. Each zone was equipped with both a set of tensiometersinstalled in the center of the plots at 20, 45, and 75cm depths and an infraredthermometer pointed into the crop canopy to individually monitor conditions inthe water treatment zones. Water was applied for each treatment as a percentageof the estimated evapotranspiration (ET) requirement: i.e., 40, 60, 80, 100,120, and 140 percent of the ET. Data collected from tensiometers was pairedwith the image pixels corresponding to the ground location of the tensiometersand with the synchronous canopy temperature data. Statistical analysis wasperformed separately to assess whether vegetation indices and canopytemperature are representative of soil moisture at several crop growth stages.Findings from this study indicate that Red Edge Normalized DifferenceVegetation Index could quantify variability of soil moisture tension at V6 (sixleaf) (r2 = 0.850, p = 0.009) and V9 (nine leaf) (r2 = 0.913, p = 0.003) cropgrowth stages. Results suggest that satellite-derived vegetation indices may beuseful for creating time-sensitive characterizations of soil moisturevariability at large field-scales. When integrated with a stress threshold,synchronous canopy temperature was able to quantify soil moisture tension withsome success during the reproductive crop growth stages. Further study isnecessary to investigate additional crop growth stages, more crops, and othersources of multispectral imagery. Future studies are also needed to evaluatefield-scale yield implications of variable rate irrigation management.

  1. 用多光譜衛星影像定量分析田間土壤水分變化特性
  2. 灌溉玉米田間土壤水分變化的紅外測溫研究

