Null pointer (NULL array pointer is passed) in function cvGetMat, 報這樣的錯
我的程式出錯在於:TgImage outimage;少個了static ,
DWORD CFacedoo::regiditFun()
static char* pShowImgX;
static TgImage outimage;//前面加了個static
if ( bFirstreg )
bFirstreg = FALSE;
pShowImgX = new char[384*288*3];
outimage.pData = pShowImgX;
outimage.width = g_Image.width;
outimage.height = g_Image.height;
outimage.nChannels = 3;
unsigned char* ShowpImg = (unsigned char*)pShowImgX;
HWND hwnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_recimage)->GetSafeHwnd();
HDC hDC=::GetDC(hwnd);
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