使用gin,gin-contrib/sessions不同request path獲取不到session
gin session problem
從開發環境中抽出來了 sample code,https://github.com/dockerq/gin-session-problem,歡迎下載測試、重現問題。
- gin 版本
{ "checksumSHA1": "86tapazS8gfJ5JRCxVNTTDkUZwM=", "path": "github.com/gin-gonic/gin", "revision": "bbd4dfee5056087c640a75c6cc21567f4f47585d", "revisionTime": "2017-07-12T07:01:46Z" }
- golang 1.8.0
gin 中設定 session 程式碼
r := gin.Default() store := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret")) store.Options(sessions.Options{ MaxAge: int(30 * time.Minute), //30min Path: "/", }) r.Use(sessions.Sessions("mysession", store)) r.GET("/pre", preSession) r.GET("/do", DoSomethine) r.Run(":8081") fmt.Println("start api server success.")
preSession(這個函式目的是向啟動的 gin.Engine 中新增一條 session 記錄)
func preSession(c *gin.Context) { session := sessions.Default(c) session.Set("test@mail.com", "test.access.token") session.Save() c.JSON(http.StatusOK, nil) }
DoSomethine 函式接受 email 引數,讀取 session 中對應 email 的 value
func DoSomethine(c *gin.Context) { userEmail := c.Query("user_email") if userEmail == "" { panic("can not get user email") } session := sessions.Default(c) userAccessToken := session.Get(userEmail) fmt.Printf("[DoSomethine] user access token is %s\n", userAccessToken) c.JSON(http.StatusOK, nil) }
測試方法,先呼叫 getPreSession() 設定一條 session,然後訪問
檢視是否拿到 session。func TestSession(t *testing.T) { StartTestServer(t) getPreSession() u := url.Values{} u.Set("user_email", "test@mail.com") testUrl := apiBaseUrl + "/do?" + u.Encode() fmt.Printf("test url is %s\n", testUrl) resp, err := http.Get(testUrl) defer resp.Body.Close() if err != nil { t.Error(err) } fmt.Println(resp.StatusCode) }
結果,注意[DoSomethine] user access token is %! s(<nil>)表明沒有拿到 session。
➜ session make test go test --cover -test.v === RUN TestSession cookie of pre session request is [mysession=MTUwMTgxNDYxNnxEdi1CQkFFQ180SUFBUkFCRUFBQU9QLUNBQUVHYzNSeWFXNW5EQThBRFhSbGMzUkFiV0ZwYkM1amIyMEdjM1J5YVc1bkRCTUFFWFJsYzNRdVlXTmpaWE56TG5SdmEyVnV8cc0AwUddF90uWUxOF8BONUo-tFGouRdSOfj62m9U8sE=; Path=/; Expires=Wed, 09 Jan 1771 04:16:32 GMT; Max-Age=1800000000000] test url is [DoSomethine] user access token is %!s(<nil>) [GIN] 2017/08/04 - 10:43:36 | 200 | 99.642µs | | GET /do 200 --- PASS: TestSession (2.00s) main_test.go:36: waiting 2 second for server startup PASS coverage: 48.0% of statements ok ginlab/session 2.010s
設定 session 後,請求/do
卻拿不到 session?是沒 session 沒有配置正確還是其它原因?
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