Event Reference(zt)
Event 10013 - Monitor Transaction Recovery
This event can be used to trace transaction recovery during startup
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10013 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10015 - Dump Undo Segment Headers
This event can be used to dump undo segment headers before and after transaction recovery
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10015 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10032 - Dump Sort Statistics
This event can be used to dump sort statistics. Level 10 is the most detailed
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10032 trace name context forever, level 10';
Event 10033 - Dump Sort Intermediate Run Statistics
This event can be used to dump sort intermediate run statistics. Level 10 is the most detailed
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10033 trace name context forever, level 10';
Event 10045 - Trace Free List Management Operations
This event can be used to trace free list management operations
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10045 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10046 - Enable SQL Statement Trace
This event can be used to dump SQL statements executed by a session with execution plans and statistics. Bind variable and wait statistics can optionally be included. Level 12 is the most detailed.
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
Levels are
Event 10053 - Dump Optimizer Decisions
This event can be used to dump the decisions made by the optimizer when parsing a statement. Level 1 is the most detailed
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10053 trace name context forever, level 1';
Levels are
Event 10060 - Dump Predicates
This event can be used to force the optimizer to dump predicates to a table It is available in Oracle 7.1.3 and above, and was still working in Oracle 9.2.
This event requires the following table to be created in the schema of the user parsing the statement
CREATE TABLE kkoipt_table ( c1 INTEGER, c2 VARCHAR2(80) );
To enable this event use
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10060 trace name context forever, level 1';
This example uses the following object
With event 10060 set to level 1, when the following statement is executed for the first time
SELECT c01 FROM t1 WHERE c02 = 0;
It is parsed and the results written to kkoipt_table
The results can be selected using the statement
SELECT c1,c2 FROM kkoipt_table ORDER BY c1;
The following table summarises the various operations that can be reported by this event
Event 10065 - Restrict Library Cache Dump Output for State Object Dumps
The amount of library cache dump output for state object dumps can be limited using event 10065
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10065 trace name context forever, level level';
where level is one of the following
Level 3 is the default
Event 10079 - Dump SQL*Net Statistics
This event can be used to SQL*Net statistics. Level 2 is the most detailed
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10079 trace name context forever, level 2';
Event 10081 - Trace High Water Mark Changes
This event can be used to trace high water mark changes
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10081 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10104 - Dump Hash Join Statistics
This event can be used to hash join statistics. Level 10 is the most detailed
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10104 trace name context forever, level 10';
Event 10128 - Dump Partition Pruning Information
This event can be used to partition pruning information
For example
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10128 trace name context forever, level level';
Levels are
There are further levels (up to 4096?)
In Oracle 9.0.1 and above, a table must be created before level 2 of this event can be set.
The table definition is as follows
CREATE TABLE kkpap_pruning ( partition_count NUMBER, iterator VARCHAR2(32), partition_level VARCHAR2(32), order_pt VARCHAR2(12), call_time VARCHAR2(12), part# NUMBER, subp# NUMBER, abs# NUMBER );
Event 10200 - Dump Consistent Reads
This event can be used to dump consistent reads
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10200 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10201 - Dump Consistent Read Undo Application
This event can be used to dump consistent read undo application
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10201 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10220 - Dump Changes to Undo Header
This event can be used to dump changes to the undo header (transaction table)
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10220 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10221 - Dump Undo Changes
This event can be used to dump undo changes applied. Level 7 is the most detailed
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10221 trace name context forever, level 7';
Event 10224 - Dump Index Block Splits / Deletes
This event can be used to dump index block splits and deletes detailed
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10224 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10225 - Dump Changes to Dictionary Managed Extents
This event can be used to dump changes to dictionary-managed extents made in the row cache
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10225 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10241 - Dump Remote SQL Execution
This event can be used to dump remotely executed SQL statements
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10241 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10246 - Trace PMON Process
This event can be used to trace the actions of the PMON background process
This event can only be enabled in the init.ora file using
event = "10246 trace name context forever, level 1"
The ALTER SYSTEM command does not appear to work for this event
There only appears to be one level for this event (levels 5 and 10 appear to generate the same output as level 1)
Event 10248 - Trace Dispatcher Processes
This event can be used to trace dispatcher processes
This event can be enabled in the init.ora file using
event = "10248 trace name context forever, level 10"
In Oracle 9.2 (Windows 2000) the trace is written to a file in the udump directory with a name in the format
Valid levels are 1 to 10 (Metalink Note)
Event 10249 - Trace Shared Server (MTS) Processes
This event can be used to trace shared server (MTS) processes
This event can be enabled in the init.ora file using
event = "10249 trace name context forever, level 10"
In Oracle 9.2 (Windows 2000) the trace is written to a file in the udump directory with a name in the format
Valid levels are 1 to 10 (Metalink Note)
Event 10270 - Debug Shared Cursors
This event can be used to enable debugging code in shared cursor management modules
event = "10270 trace name context forever, level 10"
Event 10299 - Debug Prefetching
This event can be used to enable debugging code for table and index block prefetching. It also enables dumping of trace by the CKPT process.
event = "10299 trace name context forever, level 1"
Event 10357 - Debug Direct Path
This event can be used to enable debugging code for direct path
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10357 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10390 - Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics
This event can be used to dump parallel slave statistics
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10390 trace name context forever, level level';
Levels are (from messages)
Event 10391 - Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation
This event can be used to dump parallel granule allocation / assignment statistics
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10391 trace name context forever, level level';
Levels are (from messages)
Event 10393 - Dump Parallel Execution Statistics
This event can be used to dump kxfp statistics after each parallel query
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10393 trace name context forever, level 1';
Note that in Oracle 9.2 for parallel execution trace is written to files with names of the format
This is an example of the output for this event. The output has been modified for readability
kxfpdst dumping statistics --------------------------- Query Sessions 1 Total Messages Sent 0 Data Messages Sent 948 Stream Messages Sent 917 Dialog Messages Sent 26 Null Messages Sent 0 Fast Shared Memory Streams 669 Fast Distributed Stream 0 Stream Mode Credit Ping 0 Unknown Credit Pings 0 Single Credit Pings 252 Double Credit Pings 0 Triple Credit Pings 0 Multiple Credit Pings 0 Total Messages Dequeued 0 Data Messages Dequeued 31 Null Messages Dequeued 0 Immediate Dequeues 1 Posted Dequeues 31 Timed-out Dequeues 0 Implicit Dequeues 255 Total Dequeue Waits 85 Total Dequeue Timeouts 44 Dequeues for Credit (geb) 77 Dequeues for Credit (free) 0 Dequeues for Credit (enq) 39
Event 10500 - Trace SMON Process
This event can be used to trace the actions of the SMON background process
This event can be enabled in the init.ora file using
event = "10500 trace name context forever, level 1"
Event 10608 - Trace Bitmap Index Creation
This event traces bitmap index creation.
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10608 trace name context forever, level 10';
Event 10704 - Trace Enqueues
This event dumps information about which enqueues are being obtained
When enabled it prints out arguments to calls to ksqcmi and ksqlrl and the return values
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10704 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10706 - Trace Global Enqueue Manipulation
This event allows RAC global enqueue manipulation to be trace
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10706 trace name context forever, level 1';
The amount of output can be limited using the unsupported parameter '_ksi_trace'.
This parameter specifies the lock types that should be included e.g. TM, TX etc. They are specified as a string e.g. 'TMTX'
The parameter '_ksi_trace' can only be set in the initialisation file.
Event 10708 - Trace RAC Buffer Cache
This event allows RAC buffer cache activity to be traced
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10708 trace name context forever, level 10';
This diagnostic applies only to RAC clusters (not single-instance)
Event 10710 - Trace Bitmap Index Access
This event traces bitmap index access. It displays the start ROWID and end ROWID of each bitmap
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10710 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10711 - Trace Bitmap Index Merge Operation
This event traces the bitmap index merge operation.
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10711 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10712 - Trace Bitmap Index OR Operation
This event traces the bitmap index OR operation.
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10712 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10713 - Trace Bitmap Index AND Operation
This event traces the bitmap index AND operation.
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10713 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10714 - Trace Bitmap Index MINUS Operation
This event traces the bitmap index MINUS operation.
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10714 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10715 - Trace Bitmap Index Conversion to ROWIDs Operation
This event traces the bitmap index conversion to ROWIDs operation
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10715 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10716 - Trace Bitmap Index Compress/Decompress
This event traces the bitmap index compress/decompress
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10716 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10717 - Trace Bitmap Index Compaction
This event traces the bitmap index compaction.
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10717 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10719 - Trace Bitmap Index DML
This event traces the bitmap index DML.
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10719 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10730 - Trace Fine Grained Access Predicates
This event traces find grained access (RLS) predicates
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10730 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10731 - Trace CURSOR Statements
This event traces CURSOR statements
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10731 trace name context forever, level level';
Levels are
Event 10928 - Trace PL/SQL Execution
This event traces PL/SQL execution
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10928 trace name context forever, level 1';
Event 10938 - Dump PL/SQL Execution Statistics
This event dumps PL/SQL execution statistics.
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10938 trace name context forever, level 1';
This event currently generates the following output
--NOTICE --------------------------------------- --PL/SQL TRACE INFORMATION IS NOW IN THE DATABASE -- To create the trace tables, use the script -- -- rdbms/admin/tracetab.sql under ORACLE_HOME --
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