ORACL Data Gurad支援異構平臺說明
OracleData Guard 最簡單的配置是主備庫的環境都一樣,但是在有些情況下需要異構的配置,比如在遷移時為了減少停機時間或者零停機,可能就需要使用異構的DG 配置。
關於Oralce DataGuard 異構平臺的搭建,MOS上有2篇文章專門來說明:
Data Guard Support for HeterogeneousPrimary and Logical Standbys in Same Data Guard Configuration [ID 1085687.1]
Data Guard Support for HeterogeneousPrimary and Physical Standbys in Same Data Guard Configuration [ID 413484.1]
Prior to DataGuard 11g, the Data Guard Broker did not support different word-size in the same Data Guard configuration, thus requiring management from the SQL*Plus command line for mixed word-size Data Guard configurations. Thisrestriction is lifted from Data Guard 11g onward.
--在Oracle 11g 之前,DG Broker 不支援不同word-size的DG 配置,因此需要修改word-size. 到了Oracle 11g 之後,DG 就沒有了這個限制。
Changing between 32-bit and 64-bit WordSizes [ID 62290.1]
這裡的word-size 只的是資料庫的位數,是32位還是64位。其檢視方法,我之前的Blog 有說明。
在配置異構DG 之前,要先檢視主備庫的Platform. ID,可以從v$database 檢視中檢視:
SQL> select platform_id,platform_name from v$database;
----------- ---------------------------------------------
7 Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit)
SQL> select platform_id,platform_name from v$database;
10 Linux IA (32-bit)
這裡的Platform_ID 是唯一的,不同的平臺,即OS 對應一個ID。
Differencesbetween the primary server(s) and the standby server(s) are always supported aslong as the Oracle software installed on all servers is of the same OraclePlatform. as defined above, is certified to run on each server, and is the sameOracle Database Release and Patch Set. Examples of such differences that aresupported include the following:
--只要server 上Oracle 的軟體的版本和位數是一致的,主備庫就支援不同的server,即OS 不影響,比如:
(1)Hardware manufacturer (e.g. Delland Sun or Hitachi and EMC)
(2)Hardware configuration (e.g. numberof CPUs, amount of RAM, storage configuration, etc)
(3)Processor (e.g. x86-64 AMD64 andx86-64 Intel 64; POWER4 and POWER5)
(4)Operating system distribution (e.g.Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux or Oracle Enterprise Linux)
(5)Operating system version (e.g.Windows 2000 and Windows XP)
In addition togeneral support when using the same Oracle platform, Data Guard Redo Apply(physical standby) can support specific mixed Oracle Platformcombinations. Oracle Platform. IDs, platform. names, and which combinationsof platform. ID(s) that can be combined to form. a supported Data Guardconfiguration using Redo Apply are listed in the table below. Platformcombinations not listed in the table below are not supported using Data GuardRedo Apply.
--物理standby 支援的混合平臺如下表所列,不在下表不受支援。
Table Notes –表格註釋
(1) Prior to Data Guard 11g, theData Guard Broker did not support different word-size in the same Data Guardconfiguration, thus requiring management from the SQL*Plus command line formixed word-size Data Guard configurations. This restriction is lifted fromData Guard 11g onward.
--在Oracle 11g之後,不受資料庫word-size的限制(資料庫32還是64位)
(2) Both primary and standbydatabases must be set at the same compatibility mode as the minimum release (ifspecified) in the table below.
--在下表所列的平臺中,主備庫的compatible 引數必須相同。
(3) A standby database cannot beopen read-only in any environment that has binary-level PL/SQL-relatedincompatibilities between primary and standby databases. Support Note414043.1 is referenced in the table below for any platform. combinations wherethis is the case (the note provides instructions for eliminatingincompatibilities post role transition). It is possible to access astandby database in such environments in Oracle Database 11g by temporarilyconverting it to a database, or in Oracle Database 10g by opening the standbyread/write as described in the Data Guard 10g Concepts and Administrationguide: . Bothprocedures require following the steps in note 414043.1 before making thedatabase available to users.
(4) Please be sure to read SupportNotes when referenced in the table below.
(5) RMAN generally supportsinstantiation of a physical standby database for the supported platformcombinations. Please see Support Note 1079563.1 for details.
(6) Platforms in a supportedcombination may operate in either the primary or standby role.
(7) Enterprise Manager can not beused for standby database creation or other administrative functions in anyconfiguration where PLATFORM_IDs are not identical. Oracle recommends using theData Guard Broker command line interface (DGMGRL) to administer mixed platformcombinations from Oracle Database 11g onward and SQL*Plus command line forconfigurations that pre-date Oracle Database 11g.
--在PLATFORM_ID 不一樣的情況下,備庫不能建立和使用EM。但可以使用DG Broker。
PLATFORM_ID | PLATFORM_NAME | PLATFORM_IDs supported within the same Data Guard configuration when using Data Guard Redo Apply (Physical Standby) |
2 | Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit) | 2 |
3 | HP-UX (64-bit) | 3 |
4 | HP-UX IA (64-bit) | 4 |
5 | HP Tru64 UNIX | 5 |
6 | IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit) | 2 - This is not supported due to issues reported in Bug 12702521 |
7 | Microsoft Windows (32-bit) | 7 |
8 | Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit) | 7 - Oracle 10g onward, see Support Note 414043.1 |
9 | IBM zSeries Based Linux | 9 |
10 | Linux (32-bit) | 7 - Oracle 11g onward, requires patch for Bug 13104881 |
11 | Linux IA (64-bit) | 10 - Oracle 10g onward, see Support Note 414043.1 |
12 | Microsoft Windows 64-bit for AMD | 7 - Oracle 10g onward, see Support Note 414043.1 |
13 | Linux 64-bit for AMD | 7 - Oracle 11g onward, see Support Note 414043.1, also requires patch for Bug 13104881 |
15 | HP Open VMS | 15 |
16 | Apple Mac OS | 16 |
17 | Solaris Operating System (x86) | 17 |
18 | IBM Power Based Linux | 9 (64-bit zSeries only) |
20 | Solaris Operating System (AMD64) | 13 - Oracle 11g onward |
主庫:7(platform. id) Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit)
備庫:10 (platform. id) Linux IA (32-bit)
7 | Microsoft Windows (32-bit) | 7 |
從這裡可以看出,7支援的備庫有7,8,12,10,11,13. 但是不同的版本也有限制。 我們的備庫要用10,那麼只能是Oracle 11g 以後才支援,並且還需要修復13104881的bug。
Additional information:
Transient Logical Database Rolling Upgrades: Beginning withOracle Database, a physical standby database can be used to execute arolling database upgrade to a new Oracle Patch Set or database release by usingthe transient logical rolling database upgrade process. See the MaximumAvailability Architecture Best Practice paper, " ". Thedatabase rolling upgrade process enables a standby database to apply redo sentby a primary database that is operating at a previous Oracle release orpatchset. The transient logical rolling upgrade process requires that theprimary and standby platform. combination be a supported configuration for bothRedo Apply (see table above) and SQL Apply (see Support Note 1085687.1) as ofthe pre-upgrade Oracle release deployed in the Data Guard configuration.
DataGuard Configurations that Include a Combination of Physical and Logical StandbyDatabases: A Data Guardconfiguration includes a primary database and up to 30 standby databases.These standby databases may be a mix of physical and logical standby databases.All physical standby databases within a single Data Guard configuration mustadhere to the requirements described in this note. Likewise, if theconfiguration includes logical standby databases, they must conform. to therequirements of Support Note 1085687.1.
Real Application Cluster &Automatic Storage Management: It isnot necessary that the primary and the standby both be Oracle RAC databases, orboth use ASM. For example, the primary database may be running Oracle RAC withor without ASM, and the standby database(s) may be single-instance, with orwithout ASM. Also, in case both the primary and standby are Oracle RACdatabases, the number of Oracle RAC nodes between the primary and standbydatabases may vary. Furthermore, the versions of ASM and CRS do not need to bethe same between the primary and standby systems.
ExadataDatabase Machine: It istransparent to Data Guard whether primary and/or standby databases reside on anExadata Database Machine or on other hardware, as long as the platform. ID's ofprimary and standby systems within the same Data Guard configuration conform. tothe support requirements defined in the above table. If Exadata HybridColumnar Compression (EHCC) is used, it is strongly recommended that bothprimary and standby databases reside on Exadata. See the Maximum AvailabilityArchitecture Best Practice paper, "".
In addition togeneral support when using the same Oracle platform, Data Guard SQL Apply(logical standby) can support specific mixed Oracle Platform. combinations as ofOracle Database 11g. Oracle Platform. IDs, platform. names, and whichcombinations of platform. ID(s) that can be combined to form. a supported DataGuard configuration using SQL Apply are listed in the table below. Platform. combinations not listed in the table below are not supported usingData Guard SQL Apply.
--邏輯standby 支援如下的平臺
Table Notes – 表格註釋
(1) All mixed platform. combinationsfor SQL Apply in the table below are supported from Oracle Database 11g onward.
(2) Prior to Data Guard Broker 11g,the Data Guard Broker did not support different word-size in the same DataGuard configuration, thus requiring all management from the SQL*Plus commandline. This restriction is lifted from Data Guard 11g onward.
(3) Both primary and standbydatabases must be set at the same compatibility mode as the minimum release (ifspecified) in the table below.
(4) Please be sure to read SupportNotes when referenced in the table below.
(5) RMAN generally supportsinstantiation of a physical standby database for the supported platformcombinations. Please see Support Note 1079563.1 for details.
(6) Platforms in a supportedcombination may operate in either the primary or standby role unless otherwisespecified.
(7) Enterprise Manager can not beused for standby database creation or other administrative functions in anyconfiguration where PLATFORM_IDs are not identical. Oracle recommends using theData Guard Broker command line interface (DGMGRL) to administer mixed platformcombinations from Oracle Database 11g onward and SQL*Plus command line forconfigurations that pre-date Oracle Database 11g.
PLATFORM_ID | PLATFORM_NAME | PLATFORM_IDs supported within the same Data Guard configuration when using Data Guard SQL Apply (Logical Standby) |
2 | Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit) | 2 |
3 | HP-UX (64-bit) | 3, 4 |
4 | HP-UX IA (64-bit) | 3, 4 |
5 | HP Tru64 UNIX | 5 |
6 | AIX-Based Systems (64-bit) | 6 |
7 | Microsoft Windows (32-bit) | 7 |
8 | Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit) | 7 - Replication can only occur from a 32-bit primary to a 64-bit standby, once a role transition has promoted the 64-bit system to the primary role, the original 32-bit primary is not supported as a standby database. |
9 | IBM zSeries Based Linux | 9 |
10 | Linux (32-bit) | 7, requires patch for Bug 13104881 |
11 | Linux IA (64-bit) | 10 - Replication can only occur from a 32-bit primary to a 64-bit standby, once a role transition has promoted the 64-bit system to the primary role, the original 32-bit primary is not supported as a standby database. |
12 | Microsoft Windows 64-bit for AMD | 7 - from Oracle 11g onward. Replication can only occur from a 32-bit primary to a 64-bit standby, once a role transition has promoted the 64-bit system to the primary role, the original 32-bit primary is not supported as a standby database. |
13 | Linux 64-bit for AMD | 10 - Replication can only occur from a 32-bit primary to a 64-bit standby, once a role transition has promoted the 64-bit system to the primary role, the original 32-bit primary is not supported as a standby database. |
15 | HP Open VMS | 15 |
16 | Apple Mac OS | 16 |
17 | Solaris Operating System (x86) | 17 |
18 | IBM Power Based Linux | 18 |
20 | Solaris Operating System (AMD64) | 20 |
Additional information:
Mixing Database Versions During Database Rolling Upgrades:Beginning with Oracle Database and onward, a logical standby databasecan operate at a later Oracle release than on the primary when using SQL Applyto execute a rolling database upgrade. Please refer to "", " ",
DataGuard Configurations that Include a Combination of Physical and Logical StandbyDatabases: A Data Guardconfiguration includes a primary database and up to 30 standby databases.These standby databases may be a mix of physical and logical standby databases.All logical standby databases within a single Data Guard configuration mustadhere to the requirements described in this note. Likewise, if theconfiguration includes physical standby databases, they must conform. to therequirements of Support Note 413484.1.
Real Application Cluster &Automatic Storage Management: It isnot necessary that the primary and the standby both be Oracle RAC databases, orboth use ASM. For example, the primary database may be running Oracle RAC withor without ASM, and the standby database(s) may be single-instance, with orwithout ASM. Also, in case both the primary and standby are Oracle RACdatabases, the number of Oracle RAC nodes between the primary and standbydatabases may vary. Furthermore, the versions of ASM and CRS do not need to bethe same between the primary and standby systems.
Exadata Database Machine: It is transparent to Data Guardwhether primary and/or standby databases reside on Exadata Database Machine oron other hardware, as long as the platform. ID's of primary and standby systemswithin the same Data Guard configuration conform. to the support requirementsdefined in the above table. If Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression isused, it is strongly recommended that both primary and standby databases resideon Exadata storage. Note that Data Guard SQL Apply adds support for EHCC inOracle Database See the Maximum Availability Architecture BestPractice paper, "".
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