Netdata 1.1.0 FireQOS安裝與配置
一:Netdata 為什麼要安裝FireQOS
二:FireQOS 安裝
1.firehol版本 firehol-3.0.1.tar.gz 下載路徑
二:FireQOS 安裝
1.firehol版本 firehol-3.0.1.tar.gz 下載路徑
yum install zlib1g-dev gcc make git autoconf autogen automake pkg-config traceroute ipset curl nodejs zip unzip jq ulogd 3.安裝 iprange-1.0.3_master.tar.gz 路徑 tar -zxvf iprange-1.0.3_master.tar.gz ./configure make && make install 4.安裝firehol tar -zxvf firehol-3.0.1.tar.gz ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir=/usr/lib make make install 安裝成功後,可以在/etc/firehol/目錄下看到配置檔案 三:FireQOS 引數配置 cp fireqos.conf.example fireqos.conf四:啟動fireqos fireqos start 五:啟動netdata點選(此處)摺疊或開啟
- # my internet link is using dsl0 (pppX, renamed)
- DEVICE=eth0
- # my speed is 12200kbit down, 890 up
- # I use only 85% of down and 95% of up
- INPUT_SPEED="$((12200 * 85 / 100))kbit"
- OUTPUT_SPEED="$((890 * 95 / 100))kbit"
- # adsl = ATM overheads calculation
- # local = I run pppoe on this linux box
- # pppoe-llc = ADSL encapsulation as reported by ADSL modem
- LINKTYPE="adsl local pppoe-llc"
- # ------------- CUSTOM SERVICES -------------
- # unlike FireHOL, only server ports are needed.
- # all the services used but not defined here, are defined internally in FireQOS.
- # VoIP RTP ports.
- # As configured in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf
- server_rtp_ports="udp/10000:10100"
- # League of Legends match, for my kids
- server_lol_ports="udp/5000:5500 tcp/8393:8400,2099,5223,5222,8088"
- # My OpenVPN servers
- server_openvpn_ports="any/1195:1198"
- # Torrent client configured to listen at a fixed port
- server_mytorrent_ports="any/51414"
- server_netdata_ports="tcp/19999"
- # ------------- INTERFACES -------------
- interface $DEVICE world bidirectional $LINKTYPE input rate $INPUT_SPEED output rate $OUTPUT_SPEED
- interface eth0 world bidirectional ethernet balanced rate 50Mbit
- class voip commit 100kbit pfifo
- # 1st priority: VoIP
- server sip
- client sip
- server rtp
- client stun
- class interactive input commit 20% output commit 10%
- # 2nd priority: ICMP, DNS, SSH
- server icmp
- server dns
- client dns
- server ssh
- client ssh
- client teamviewer
- client lol
- class chat input commit 1000kbit output commit 440kbit
- # 3rd priority: chat and conferencing
- client facetime
- server hangouts
- client hangouts
- client gtalk
- client jabber
- class vpns input commit 20% output commit 10%
- # 4th priority: my VPNs
- server pptp
- server GRE
- server openvpn
- class servers
- # 5th priority: the servers I run
- server http
- class surfing prio keep commit 10%
- # Again 5th priority (prio keep): Internet Surfing
- client surfing
- client rsync
- class synacks
- # 6th priority: SYNs and small ACKs for the rest of the traffic
- match tcp syn
- match tcp ack
- class default
- # 7th priority: default
- # unclassified traffic ends up in the 'default' class
- # no need to match anything here
- class torrents
- # 8th priority: torrents
- client torrents
- server mytorrent prio 1
- match sports 16384:65535 dports 16384:65535
- class arp
- match arp
- class icmp
- match icmp
- class dns commit 1Mbit
- server dns
- client dns
- class ntp
- server ntp
- client ntp
- class ssh commit 2Mbit
- server ssh
- client ssh
- class rsync commit 2Mbit max 10Mbit
- server rsync
- client rsync
- class web_server commit 40Mbit
- server http
- server netdata
- class client
- client surfing
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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