

常用詞 -> 替換用詞

###send傳送 -> deliver/dispatch/announce/distribute/route

  • deliver遞送: to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person
  • dispatch派發: 正式用語 to send someone or something somewhere for a particular purpose
  • announce宣佈: to give information to people using a loudspeaker or microphone
  • distribute分發: to spread something over a large area
  • route路由: to send something somewhere using a particular route

###find查詢 -> search/extract/locate/recover

  • search搜尋: to try to find someone or something by looking very carefully
  • extract抽取: to take information or a short piece of writing from a book
  • locate定位: to find the exact position of something
  • recover恢復: to get back something that was taken from you, lost, or almost destroyed

###start開始 -> launch/create/begin/open

  • launch開始:to start something, usually something big or important
  • create建立: to make something exist that did not exist before
  • begin開始: to start doing something
  • open開啟/開啟: to make a document or computer program ready to use

###make創造 -> create/set up/build/generate/compose/add/new

  • create建立: to make something exist that did not exist before
  • set up建立: create by putting components or members together
  • build建造: to make something, especially a building or something large
  • generate生成: to produce or cause something [= create]
  • compose組成: to combine together to form something
  • add新增: to put something with something else or with a group of other things
  • new新建:

英英釋義取自朗文線上詞典 http://www.ldoceonline.com
