表的itl 屬性

INITRANS integer

Specify the initial number of concurrent transaction entries allocated within each data block allocated to the database object. This value can range from 1 to 255 and defaults to 1, with the following exceptions:

The default INITRANS value for a cluster is 2 or the default INITRANS value of the tablespace in which the cluster resides, whichever is greater.

The default value for an index is 2.

In general, you should not change the INITRANS value from its default.

Each transaction that updates a block requires a transaction entry in the block. This parameter ensures that a minimum number of concurrent transactions can update the block and helps avoid the overhead of dynamically allocating a transaction entry.

The INITRANS parameter serves the same purpose in the statements that create and alter tables, partitions, clusters, indexes, materialized views, and materialized view logs.

MAXTRANS  《=========已經廢棄的了該引數。

In earlier releases, the MAXTRANS parameter determined the maximum number of concurrent update transactions allowed for each data block in the segment. This parameter has been deprecated. Oracle now automatically allows up to 255 concurrent update transactions for any data block, depending on the available space in the block.

Existing objects for which a value of MAXTRANS has already been set retain that setting. However, if you attempt to change the value for MAXTRANS, Oracle ignores the new specification and substitutes the value 255 without returning an error.

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