國際全球資訊網大會(The Web Conference,簡稱WWW會議)是由國際全球資訊網會議委員會發起主辦的國際頂級學術會議,創辦於1994年,每年舉辦一屆,是CCF-A類會議。WWW 2020將於2020年4月20日至4月24日在台灣台北舉行。本屆會議共收到了1129篇長文投稿,錄用217篇長文,錄用率為19.2%。
哈爾濱工業大學社會計算與資訊檢索研究中心有1篇長文被WWW 2020錄用,下面是論文簡要資訊及摘要:
論文名稱:Keywords Generation Improves E-Commerce Session-based Recommendation
Abstract: By exploring fine-grained user behaviors, session-based recommendation predicts a user’s next action from short-term behavior sessions. Most of the previous work learns about a user’s implicit behavior by merely taking the last click action as the supervision signal. However, in e-commerce scenarios, large-scale products with elusive click behaviors make such task challenging because of the low inclusiveness problem, i.e., many relevant products that satisfy the user’s shopping intention are neglected by recommenders. Since similar products with different IDs may share the same intention, we argue that the textual information (e.g., keywords of product titles) from sessions can be used as additional supervision signals to tackle the above problem through learning more shared intention within similar products. Therefore, to improve the performance of e-commerce session-based recommendation, we explicitly infer the user’s intention by generating keywords entirely from the click sequence in the current session.
In this paper, we propose the e-commerce session-based recommendation model with keywords generation (abbreviated as ESRM-KG) to integrate keywords generation into e-commerce session-based recommendation. Specifically, the ESRM-KG model firstly encodes an input action sequence into a high dimensional representation; then it presents a bi-linear decoding scheme to predict the next action in the current session; synchronously, the ESRM-KG model addresses incepts the high dimensional representation of its encoder to generate explainable keywords for the whole session. We carried out extensive experiments in the context of click prediction on a large-scale real-world e-commerce dataset. Our experimental results show that the ESRM-KGmodel outperforms state-of-the-art baselines with the help of keywords generation. We also discuss how keywords generation helps the e-commerce session-based recommendation with case studies and error analysis.