



g CTRL-G    Prints the current position of the cursor in five
            ways: Column, Line, Word, Character and Byte.  If the
            number of Characters and Bytes is the same then the
            Character position is omitted.
            If there are characters in the line that take more
            than one position on the screen (<Tab> or special
            character), both the "real" column and the screen
            column are shown, separated with a dash.
            See also 'ruler' option.  {not in Vi}

--//這樣移到到定位的位置,在輸入g ctrl-g ,在提示行顯示如下。
Col 15 of 201; Line 21 of 21; Word 135 of 160; Char 1427 of 1615; Byte 1429 of 1617


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