- 88歲獲得諾貝爾文學獎
- 用懷疑、熱情、構想的力量來審視一個分裂的文明。
- 1915年,出生在伊朗,5歲全家遷往南非,30回到英國定居。
- 女主人公堅強、勇敢
- 作品雜
- 安娜和摩莉在男權社會中遭受的困苦與壓抑及女性自我意識的覺醒
中文版小說有七百多頁,實在有點多 - 小說結構獨特,由一個故事和5本筆記構成
- 5本筆記分別是黑、紅、黃、藍和金色筆記
- 種族歧視
- 對悲劇的苦難來源有一個古老的解釋——命運
Mrs GLADYS MAASDORP of Southern Rhodesia for whom I feel the greatest affection and admiration
‘In this decayed hole among the mountains
In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing
Over the tumbled graves, about the chapel
There is the empty chapel, only the wind's home.
It has no windows, and the door swings,
Dry bones can harm no one.
Only a cock stood on the rooftree
Co co rico co co rico
In a flash of lightning. Then a damp gust
Bringing rain
Ganger was sunken, and the limp leaves
Waited for rain, while the black clouds
Gathered far distant, over Himavant.
The jungle crouched, humped in silence.
Then spoke the thunder’
From The Waste Land by T.S Eliot with grateful acknowledgments to the author and to Messrs Faber & Faber
`It is by the failures and misfits of a civilization that one can best judge its weaknesses.'
Iris Murdoch
- 唯我主義的主人公形象
- 塑造陷入自我臆想與自我迷戀的主人公形象,描寫空虛、無愛的人物內心世界
- 無法關注他者存在的情景
Jeanette Winterson
- 小說是最觸動心靈深處的
- 語言本身就具有重要的意義,如果以為專注於小說的故事情節,閱讀文字的目的就顯得不單純
- 這個控制力很強的作家總是操縱著文字,處於一種自我中心的狀態,玩轉於語言和情節之間,這無形中增加了讀者的閱讀難度
- 性別認同和性取向都不是天然的,而是在社會和文化形成的過程中認為構建的
- 性別是一種身份的認同,生理性別不是決定社會性別的本質因素
- 異性戀其實是一種話語權力強制的規範
- 反對異性戀霸權,顛覆傳統的兩分模式,主張自由選擇及性別的“去自然化”社會氛圍,推動歷史的發展,號召他者的迴歸所引起的主體重建
- 被排斥的生命雖生猶死
- 從根本上打破這種二元性向的束縛,同性戀群體才可能走出這種生存困境
sexing the cherry
“The Hopi, an Indian tribe, have a language as sophisticated as ours, but no tenses for past, present and future. The division does not exist. What does this say about time?
Matter, that thing the most solid and the well-known, which you are holding in your hands and which makes up your body, is now known to be mostly empty space. Empty space and points of light.
What does this say about the reality of die world?”
My name is Jordan. This is the first thing I saw.
It was night, about a quarter to twelve, the sky divided in halves, one cloudy, the other fair. The clouds hung over the wood, there was no distance between them and the tops of the trees. Where the sky was clear, over the river and the flat fields newly ploughed, the moon, almost full, shone out of a yellow aureole and reflected in the bow of the water. There were cattle in the field across, black against the slope of the hill, not moving, sleeping. One light, glittering from the only house, looked like the moat-light of a giant's castle. Tall trees flanked it. A horse ran loose in the courtyard, its hooves sparking the stone.”
- 世紀葵花--桌面直播錄影機系統5.2筆記筆記
- Dentsu:塑造21世紀20年代英國旅遊格局的核心趨勢報告
- 劉擎《紛爭的年代:二十世紀西方思想文化潮流》筆記筆記
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