HttpAsyncClient 4.1-beta1 釋出


HttpAsyncClient 是一個非同步的 HTTP 客戶端開發包,基於 HttpCore NIO 和 HttpClient 元件。

HttpAsyncClient 的出現並不是為了替換 HttpClient,而是作為一個補充用於需要大量併發連線,對效能要求非常高的基於HTTP的原生資料通訊,而且提供了事件驅動的 API。

HttpComponents HttpAsyncClient 4.1-beta1 釋出,此版本現已提供下載,值得關注的更新內容如下:

* Support for pipelined request execution 

* Enhanced redesigned and rewritten default SSL hostname verifier with
improved RFC 2818 compliance

* Default SSL hostname verifier and default cookie policy now validate
certificate identity and cookie domain of origin against the public
suffix list maintained by <>

* Authentication cache thread-safety: authentication caches used by
HttpAsyncClient is now thread-safe and can be shared by multiple
contexts in order to re-use authentication state for subsequent requests

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