在目前windows2000的遠端溢位不斷被發現的今天,入侵win2000已經不是什麼太困難的事情了,但是如何更好的利用和控制呢?介紹一個好方法:終端 服務。但是很多機器沒有安裝終端服務,那麼我就給它裝一個。其實這是一個很簡單的事情。你需要做的僅僅是打三行命令而已。這裡有一個前提就是,你已經通過其他手段獲得了該機器的管理員或系統許可權。那麼接下來我們要做的就是給他開個終端服務! 
How to Add or Remove Windows 2000 Components with Sysocmgr.exe
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server 
Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server 
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
This article describes how to add or remove Windows 2000 components with the Sysocmgr.exe tool. 
You can use the Sysocmgr.exe tool at a command prompt to add or remove Windows 2000 components. You can use the following command-line switches with Sysocmgr.exe: 
/i:path to Sysoc.inf file, where path to Sysoc.inf file is the full path to the Sysoc.inf file, for example: 
/u:path to answer file, where path to answer file is the full path to the answer file that contains a list of items to add or remove. 
/q - runs Sysocmgr.exe in quiet mode (without display pages) 
/r - suppresses reboot (if needed) 
NOTE: This procedure does not work and is unsupported with Microsoft Fax Service, COM+, and Distributed Transaction Coordinator. These are core components that are not removable. 
The answer file can be any Windows 2000 answer file and only parses the [Components] and [NetOptionalComponents] sections. An example file is shown below: 
Netoc = on 
Reminst = on 
Paint = off 
pinball = off 
Solitaire = off
lpdsvc = 1 
SimpTcp = 1 
wins = 1 
To start the installation or uninstallation of these components using Sysocmgr.exe, type the following command (file saved as c:\ocm.txt): 
sysocmgr /i: %windir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:c:\ocm.txt 
For more information, please refer to the unattended documentation. 
c:\>echo [Components] > c:\aa 
c:\>echo TSEnable = on >>c:\aa 
c:\>sysocmgr /i:c:\winnt\inf\sysoc.inf /u:c:\aa /q /r 
等待一段時間後這個sysocmgr執行完畢後就把這個終端服務裝好了。但是現在還不能啟動這個服務。如果不怕重新啟動的化,完全可以去掉/r引數,重新啟動後服務回自動啟動。還可以通過更改登錄檔來改變終端 服務監聽的埠號。至於如何更改就不是本文所涉及的了,網上有很多命令列下修改登錄檔的 到目前為止,基本上遠端命令列下安裝終端服務就介紹完了。其實這是很簡單的,不知到別人是否早就想到並實現了,我在這裡獻醜了。希望不要被拿來幹壞事。